18 day old Lowryder#1, female or male confirmation pls :)


Hiya all,

First of all gotta say, love this forum, so much knowledge and experiences being shared :)... just lovely

Well as the title says, got a 18 day old LR#1 which started showing some balls at the top (4th node).

My gut instinct tells me its a male, but would like confirmation before I murder the poor thing.

First time growing got me 3 LR#1 (2day old) sprouts and a 4 week old female A.M.S strain growing in the same room, and want me some sensemilla.

Appreciate any confirmation I could get :), have a nice day bongsmilie




Active Member
Its a boy. You can save him and some others and make some hash out of them later on down the road. Usually with normal size males you don't need so many plants, but with the runts it does take a few. I am actually going to be making some lowryder x blueberry male hash this weekend. I know all of the haters are going to say why the fuck would you bother? Well I don't like to waste anything.
my 18 lowryder are going on day 28 from breaking soil. all 18 vary in size seems to be a unstable strain from what i read anyways no sex yet!!!! i read some where cold root temps can cause delay in autoflower but thats not the case all plants range from 3 to maby 8 inches tall appear healthy can some one shed some light