His system is pretty cool. Im so ready for everybody to try the dry ice once its done. Is there a DIY for the bag when it come to dry ice or do I have to actually buy the bubble bags? Everybody that seen the bagseed always say "what the hell is that/".. Haha. Its looks so great. What strains are you going to run J-Man? You will love the AK-48 and Blue widow. Now the Blue Widow is not a big producer to me but it makes up in smell and im sure it will in taste.
I love how beginners are getting straight into super "advanced" hydroponic systems that were being sold for 3k for just 6 or 8 site system. Everyone at Home Depot must be wondering why kids have such an interest in plumbing and irrigation now a days, LOL! Oh man, I would like to try that dry ice hash, I guess I'll just have to stare at the pics and wank it though, bahaha. You don't need to buy a complete bubble bag kit, each manufacturer sells a replacement bag in case one tears, just pick up the 120 or the 73, 120 gives you great smoking and cooking grade, depending on how much you shake, 73 gives you only smoking grade for the most part, so I've heard. I've been using 120, everyone I got into it around here is using 120, and so far great results. You get a lot more cooking grade with 180 or 190, but screw it, who wants to smoke workbag hash? I suggest the 120 personally, haven't even tried the 73 yet. I've grown AK 47 and White Berry, which are both extremely similar, but the WhiteBerry smoke is just okay, and the AK47 is amazing but it isn't in the area currently, so I might just pick up both. I have so many I want to try though, Youngdog and shwagbag always have so many nice strains going, I want to try them all! Especially that bastard Shwagbag, he has a spending problem for sure! haha.
You're in good company my friend. I'm harvesting my girls today as well. Right about now I'm wishing I had some friends to help. I will probably be able to talk the wife into helping tonight. Damn sticky fingers got everything on earth sticking to me, lol. This is a time when having a bunch of cats isn't ideal. If I get one cat hair on my finger it is quite a chore to get it off. My first instinct is to rub it on my shirt or pants... then I have 100 hairs on my finger.
I hope you have some spring loaded scissors. If not they are definitely worth the time and money to get them. Throw up some pics when you get a chance. You can check my journal for my harvest pics... I don't want to intrude reposting here.
Congrats on getting to harvest!!! That's really awesome.
You know who to call bro, I'm right around the corner

I have cats to, little fuckers, make it impossible to trim and when they only demand attention when you can't give it to them. Having a pile of disposable gloves helps a lot.