16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*


Moderatrix of Journals
in other news, i finally broke down and bought some seeds. we're maxed out on plants so i may have to cull a couple before i can start anything. decisions decisions.


Moderatrix of Journals
so there are some interesting developments happening. i mentioned in my last post that x and y are getting the mellotea exclusively now, and the difference is starting to stack up a bit.

here's xenia's top:

and yasmine's top:

and here are vivi, wolvie, and zahras tops:

notice the difference in node stacking? i'm thinking that's the bud-setting additive; we've never really had a chance to test its efficacy before.

the rest of the room got the 'bud fuel' in their feed, and a foliar feed with it on flip day. of the tea5, x and y got it once before we switched them to tea-only, and v, w, and z are getting it in their food as recommended (minus the spray on flip day), which is starting about 10 days before flip and for about 10 days after.


Well-Known Member
Mello things look really good i wish i had your space.... Need a trimmer =) i hate selling insurance


Moderatrix of Journals
Mello things look really good i wish i had your space.... Need a trimmer =) i hate selling insurance
thanks. i'm really liking the freedom to move around, but there truly are times when more space just means a bigger headache. :lol:

and our trimmer application process is quite rigorous.... how are you at rolling j's with one hand? making hot chocolate that doesn't get sludge at the bottom? or microwaving cold pizza so it doesn't get soggy? spending several hours naked under HID's? (<--kidding ;) )

not to mention..... you'd have to put up with the abuse from the cougar squad. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Light therapy =0

im a great cook lol
still cant john wayne it tho.. no on handed rolling goin on

MEOW..what is defined "abuse" :roll:


Moderatrix of Journals
they're the best part of trimming for me, but for most dudes it's usually a penis-shriveling experience apparently.... and not in a good way.....

edit: re: "abuse": mostly verbal, but it's high-stakes because everybody's got scissors/razors. haven't had any duels break out yet, but there's always a first time. :lol:


Well-Known Member
they're the best part of trimming for me, but for most dudes it's usually a penis-shriveling experience apparently.... and not in a good way.....

edit: re: "abuse": mostly verbal, but it's high-stakes because everybody's got scissors/razors. haven't had any duels break out yet, but there's always a first time. :lol:

im confused...


Moderatrix of Journals
im confused...
if you've ever been curious how women are when there's no men around, this might be the closest you get without outright spying. by 3/4s of the way through day 2 most guys are usually wishing they could unhear some stuff. :lol: