you could say that.... but then again i have a full line-up of AN products. paid over $600 for the full line, 1 L bottles. Grotek isn't better beacuse its cheaper, basically the same thing except grotek doesn't have MANY of the unlisted ingredients that are in alot of the more expensive nutes.
it doesn't matter what you use, as long as you know how to use it.
you're right, grotek isn't better because it's cheaper, it's better because it's *better

. (well, certainly more idiot-proof, imo lol)
not to be contentious or knock a.n or anything, but name me ONE thing that a.n has going on that grotek doesn't or have an alternate source of, pleez.
i've done my homework, there's a reason we've used their product for as long as we have, although tbh of all the local nute companies i never looked much into a.n's product, but that's only because we have a few friends who've had contract disputes with them and whatnot; you know how that whole solidarity thingy works. *sigh*
and you're also right on it really not mattering as long as you try to go at it with a basic botanical understanding.
jozi, what's all in the $25 starter kit? (haven't bought a liquid in anything less than a gallon in a while, so we don't pay a lot of attention to the starter stuff lol)