16 plants 6.5 litre pots, advice please

Hi, just a couple of questions for my next grow :)

4x4 tent
600w hps
Digital ballast
16x 6.5 litre pots
Canna pro soil.

So im gonna root 16 clones and plant them straight into my 6.5 litre pots, I was gonna flower them from clone, but seen as 16 pots doesn't completely fill my 4x4 space would I be better off veging for a couple if weeks? If so how long. And if I do flower straight from clone using Canna Pro soil, will it cause any problems as I think it says its nutrient enriched for the veg stage. If its no good for sea of green type grow, what soil would you recommend?
Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Youre gonna want some nutrients of some kind for that grow, the soil will only last you 2-4 weeks. Id get some dyna gro. 1 bottle of grow and 1 bottle of bloom. Or just 1 bottle of bloom since it seems you want minimal veg time.

You can flower them at any point but since you have so many i wouldnt go over 3-4 weeks of veg. Youd probably be good with just 2. Let them establish themselves really well then flip em.

Also, what strain are you growing? If its sativa dom you probably dont need to veg, if its indica dom you could use a little veg.


Well-Known Member
16 plants one light man . my advice is to only do 8 plants. and veg them a foot tall max no taller. pull ounce off each plant. 16 plants you will pull .25 ounce per plant because you will have to raise the light.
Thanks for the replies.
The strain im using will be Dutch Passion Power Plant, I already have Canna veg, Canna flowers and Canna pk 13/14.
So im thinking transplant the clones into the 6.5 litre pots and veg for 1 week under 600w then flip to 12/12.
What type of yield could I expect from this grow?
My first grow was unknown sativa strain, 6 plants 10 litre pots, 3 or 4 weeks veg, I pulled 10 oz
My second grow was 4 plants, 5 gal pots 8 weeks veg and a lot of LST, I pulled 13.1/2 oz oh that was white widow x big bud. And all grown with the same set up as this grow will be.
as long as I pull over 10 oz with this grow im happy :)
16 plants one light man . my advice is to only do 8 plants. and veg them a foot tall max no taller. pull ounce off each plant. 16 plants you will pull .25 ounce per plant because you will have to raise the light.
Im wanting to pull 10oz or more for this grow with minimum or no veg time, would 16 plants with 1 week veg not pull than amount in you're opinion?


Active Member
you could get a 4ft light mover, you can prob do 20 on a 4x2 area, single light. :weed:

also, I would suggest to add perlite to the soil. Regarding the fertilizers, I`m going to let you all discuss that a little more before/if I inject any opinion.

The main things you need to worry about are; tap water/filtered water and pH, fertilizers, temperatures, overwatering, ect.. The funny thing is, 95% of the time there is a problem, it is because of over-watering or bad tap water (pH issues).
you could get a 4ft light mover, you can prob do 20 on a 4x2 area, single light. :weed:

also, I would suggest to add perlite to the soil. Regarding the fertilizers, I`m going to let you all discuss that a little more before/if I inject any opinion.

The main things you need to worry about are; tap water/filtered water and pH, fertilizers, temperatures, overwatering, ect.. The funny thing is, 95% of the time there is a problem, it is because of over-watering or bad tap water (pH issues).
My tap water is ph 7.3 I think, but I have a digital ph tester and ph up and down so my ph is always spot on going in at least. I don't tent to ph the run off, would be a pain in the ass with 20 plants lol. The Canna pro soil has perlite mixed in already although I noticed there didn't look like there was much in.


Well-Known Member
...i flower 8 plants per cycle in 6liter coco hempy buckets around a single 600HPS, barebulb vertical style and routinely pull near an elbow.

...these were flowered in 2liter Coke bottle coco hempy's under a 400CMH and together they yielded just shy of 4zipz.

...and a few budshots of some that were grown in 2liter hempy's just like the pic above.

...more isn't necessarily better and you may find that 16 is too many.

btw, my current grow around the 600 is inside a 4 x 4 closet that i converted into a bloom room, the ones grown in 2liter pots were grown inside my old cab.

good luck, bozo
...i flower 8 plants per cycle in 6liter coco hempy buckets around a single 600HPS, barebulb vertical style and routinely pull near an elbow.

...these were flowered in 2liter Coke bottle coco hempy's under a 400CMH and together they yielded just shy of 4zipz.

...and a few budshots of some that were grown in 2liter hempy's just like the pic above.

...more isn't necessarily better and you may find that 16 is too many.

btw, my current grow around the 600 is inside a 4 x 4 closet that i converted into a bloom room, the ones grown in 2liter pots were grown inside my old cab.

good luck, bozo
Wow nice! Ive changed my mind about the 16 plants now!
Im gonna go with 9 plants in my 4x4 tent, and I only have a crap euro reflector so im gonna put my hps vertical like yours.
Is there a special cable to buy to run hps vertical with no reflector, or shall I just bend and twist my euro reflector till it snaps off then hang just the light if you no what I mean lol? Thanks again man


Well-Known Member
...no man, you won't need any special cable, i use a chain but you could just hang it from the cord, ...i choose not to do this because it doesn't hang straight just hanging from the cord plus i'd like not to put too much stress on the connections.

anyway, here is a link to a cordset you can get at Amazon for under $30.00 as well as a link to a thread on vertical growing that details a few different ways to set things up.

LumenMax 5K Mogul Socket Assembly

Benefits of Vertical Growing

...as a new grower it's important for you to remember to relax, this is supposed to be fun and it will NEVER be PERFECT so try to learn to just go with the flow while you continue to gain experience, experience coupled with research will quickly teach you just how easy this can be.

peace, bozo
...no man, you won't need any special cable, i use a chain but you could just hang it from the cord, ...i choose not to do this because it doesn't hang straight just hanging from the cord plus i'd like not to put too much stress on the connections.

anyway, here is a link to a cordset you can get at Amazon for under $30.00 as well as a link to a thread on vertical growing that details a few different ways to set things up.

LumenMax 5K Mogul Socket Assembly

Benefits of Vertical Growing

...as a new grower it's important for you to remember to relax, this is supposed to be fun and it will NEVER be PERFECT so try to learn to just go with the flow while you continue to gain experience, experience coupled with research will quickly teach you just how easy this can be.

peace, bozo
Thanks alot, much appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry I forgot to ask lol, how long should I veg with 9 plants under 600w hps, thanks
...generally your plants will double in size during flower so veg them to maybe 24 inch's and you should be good for a 4 x 4 tent.

keep in mind that each grow is practice for the next grow, that's what they mean by 'dialing in', ...the next cycle you will have a much better handle on what size is optimal in your setup.

...don't expect perfection, if you do you will be disappointed, it's far better to shoot for improvement, that way as long as you do better than the last time you have succeeded and in time and a few cycles and you'll be killing it.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
I'd think 24Inches might be a bit much they'd end up at 4 to 6 feet tall and 9 of those in a 4x4 wouldn't fit go to like a little over a foot at most a foot and a half and you'll get some nice 3 foot little bushes. That's ganna take like 3 weeks of veg though with some nice little clones. Please start a journal I like the s.o.g (more plants less or no veg time) style better then wasting all that time growing big bushes.
I'd think 24Inches might be a bit much they'd end up at 4 to 6 feet tall and 9 of those in a 4x4 wouldn't fit go to like a little over a foot at most a foot and a half and you'll get some nice 3 foot little bushes. That's ganna take like 3 weeks of veg though with some nice little clones. Please start a journal I like the s.o.g (more plants less or no veg time) style better then wasting all that time growing big bushes.
Yes when im up and running in a week ill start my first journal :)
And ive never done s.o.g before but I agree, it seems a waist of time veging for say 8 weeks, when I could be spending the time flowering, but everyone has there own growing style I guess. Ill be sticking with s.o.g from now on though :)