16 plant outdoor grow.. Oh what did I get myself into?


I meant to start this a while ago, but I just got internet, so pardon the length. A little background before I get going.. Wasn't planning on doing this at first, but things have fell into place the past 6 months so I am running with it. I have a couple people close to me that are quite ill currently without the best of prognosis or insurance, but have been treating themselves with Rick Simpson Oil fairly successfully.. But shit gets expensive. Have been growing legally indoors the past 3 years with good success, as well as a few outdoor in smaller containers, so when I found out someone close to me was willing to let me live on their vacant property for the year that is in a remote area, to help with the cause, I decided to attempt to go big in hopes of getting a decent harvest I can turn into RSO and help some people out. Any feedback and tips is greatly welcomed. I'm pretty in over my head I guess. I'm already having problems..

I collected clones back in April over the course of a few weeks, and eventually had them all in 3 gallon pots under 2000w for about a month.
This is them on May 25, right before I took them to my new place... They stayed in the pots outside up until 4 days ago.
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What I am working with is:
4 Grandaddy Purple. 2 Pot of Gold. 3 Medicine Woman. 2 Agent Orange. 2 Blackberry kush. 2 U.W. 1 Hippie Chicken.

A friend had to back out of his grow, couldn't store a lot of his stuff so he gave me 16 100 gallon square root pots and sold me a pallet of FFOF for around 8 a bag, along with a bunch of 5 gallon jugs of nutes for prices I just couldn't pass up.. I wanted to go organic, but I ended up getting the Fox Farms trio, cal mag+, silica blast, and a bottle of canna rhizotonic.. I think 100 gallons is overkill, but whatever, pots were free and dirt was cheap so why not.

I am planning on building 2 24x48 greenhouses towards the end of vegging, so I have them spaced accordingly, I hope. Wanted to build them from the get, but that can't happen right now. I'm at a little higher elevation than I would like, almost a high desert like climate, with some cooler nights, so they will be necessary in flowering I feel. 6 plants per plot, with 4 others in other areas. Planning on doing some training, trying to plan that out soon.. Am used to much smaller plants, but have always been a fan of LST.

I have roughly 90 gallons of soil in each pot.. 70% FFOF, 20% perlite, 10% top soil from here. 6 cups of dolomite lime per pot. Had been feeding them at around 3/4 strength with grow big, big bloom, cal mag, and every other feeding I've used silica blast. I feed every other watering. Plants were looking nice and healthy when I transplanted, and roots looked healthy.



When I transplanted on 6/16, I used the rhizotonic only, and gave them a good soaking I think. Next 2 days they looked fine. 2 nights ago weather went to shit and it dropped to mid-low 30's and there was some frost outside when I got out at 6:30, but none visible on plants. Has been 70s-80s/50ish the past month. Not sure if that's what did it, but since yesterday morning they pretty much all look like shit, have been wilted constantly, and some leaves look fried and are dying. Some are worse than other. Soil is still moist. Haven't fed yet.. Hoping to get some opinions before I water again. Has been nice since then outside.

Same GDP as last pic, 4 days after transplant.
GDP1 (2).JPG

This Medicine Woman is about the worst off.
MW2 (1).JPG
MW2 (2).jpg

And one of the U.W.

What am I doing wrong? I'm super motivated to get this shit right, and have nothing but time on my hands to spend with these, so help and advice is appreciated. I really don't feel like killing them... I'm pretty new to these nutes too, so any help on how and when I should be feeding would be super cool.

Thanks for checking this out!

A couple more pics real quick

When I first checked out property earlier in the year.

Slowly harden them off next year. I'm excited to see what those cold night time temps are gonna do to your gdps. They're going to be glorious!
try using some phd water with superthrive next watering.i bet youll see a big difference.
over all your area looks awsome.
your gdp looks over watered. How often are you watering? Are you using a filtered water or tap? Are you ph'ing your water?
Remember that when it comes to nutes, less is more.
If you bought soil, theres already nutrients in there, so you dont have to feed a lot for the first month or two

good luck
I would relax on the nutes a bit and I only use calmag 3-4 times a grow..not every other watering...great location and set up
Awesome! I've never seen such vast shock after transplanting, so I was starting to second guess myself... Oh to be alone in the sticks 50+ miles from anywhere with the worlds slowest internet!

I've only watered once since the transplant, and when they were in the 3 gal I was doing it as needed-- they were outside for 3 weeks in those so it varied from every 2-4 days. Dont think the GDP is over-watered, that one is my oldest and was potbound when I xplanted, then got a few gallons.

I've been using Subcools super soil for a while now in my previous grows, so have just been trying to follow instructions on nutes and watching how they react. Am going to ease into it now that they are in fresh dirt. Should I be using what fox farms recommends in their feeding chart for the grow big and big bloom? I also thought silica blast would be a good idea based on the extremes I can get here in temps and whatnot, should I be using that every feeding as botanicare suggests? I feel odd mixing so much shit into my water.

Thanks a ton for the replies! I intend on keeping this fairly up to date with pictures and info.
Yo Gem, I've used Fox Farm products for a few years and would recommend leaving out the nutes for the first 2-3 weeks. There's plenty of amendments in Ocean Forest to keep them growing strong. Also, whenever you start using your nutes, try half strength first and see what they like.

More importantly, what water are you using, have you tested it? Looks like you may have a ph problem...
So it's been 9 days since transplanting, and some of my plants are starting to look pretty good, but some are looking like shit also. I ph my water to about 6.5 every watering.. My water source is a well. Have not fed them for nearing 2 weeks now, minus a small dose of Canna Rhizotonic when I transplanted. I'm wondering if the well water could be causing some problems? It really looks like I have a ph issue or over feeding to me, so I am a little apprehensive trying to fix anything yet because I'm still a bit too confused as to what's causing this. Some look like they are getting worse and some look to be getting better.

Here are some pics I snapped of some of the girls this morning.

A couple of the currently healthier ones.. Romulan and Pot of Gold.

The worst off are by far my 3 Medicine Women, followed by the 2 blackberry kush I have. Most of the older growth is dying and some of the newer growth has a reddish tinge to it.

One of the Med Woman
MW2 (3).JPG MW2 (1).JPG

And a BBK
BBK1 (1).JPGBBK1 (2).JPG

And some corn!

Hopefully things will be looking better next time!
I've watered them twice since I transplanted, gave them each just around 4 gallons. The past few days it has been a bit overcast at times and hasn't really gotten out of the mid-high 60s. Might have been a few sprinkles one day as well. Summer has been starting quite sporadically here I suppose. Forecast calls for sun and upper 70s-low 80s for the foreseeable future, though.
I wish I could tell you something. It looks a lot like nute burn, but it may well be something else. People always trot out all these charts and diagrams, but my leaves either look like several of the examples...or none. So frustrating! Eight of the plants that I'm growing now had problems in veg. 2 were runts and barely survived their first week, and then I burned them when they were 2 weeks, and the other six started out great and then I burned the hell out of them the same time as the others. The good news is that all came out of it and they are all doing spectacular now at 12 weeks. The Kalashnikova still has something weird and undiagnosable going on with her leaves, but she is thick and lush, so I have decided not to worry about it. I thought that along with all the sage advice that you are going to receive that you might just need a little moral support. :)
Temps may have something to do with it? Highs in the mid 60's seems kinda low. Our high today was 102. I wish we could meet somewhere in the middle, 85 degrees and sunny. lol. I hope they start to perk up for you.
Wow that is some pretty severe nuteburn man. They will pull through though I think and long as you just use plain water for awhile. You have the potential for amazing things in this grow man. I'm sticking around for this.