16 Ladies 2 weeks veg in grow tent 3 WEEKS FLOWER **PICS**


Active Member
Hi guys,

1stly this is my 1st grow,

I am growing 16 ladies (7 ak47 and 9 unknown sativas) I am using cana products and have 1 600w hps light in a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m grow lush grow tent.

I started from clones and veged them 24/7 for the 1st week and 18/6 for the secound week then I turned down to 12/12

I am now 3 weeks into flower and things are looking good (well according to experienced mates they are)

My goal was a 1lb but I don't think im going to get there

What do you all think? personally im wrapped with the results and not having run into one problem so far so fingers crossed all goes well and I get a good yeild

What do you all think?

Any suggestions / constructive criticism

Cheers rollitup

