16 days into flowering

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Well my plant is 16 days into flowering. I can't see any kind of bud/s, is this surpost to be like this?? Sorry I don't have any pics, Its about 2 ft high.


Well-Known Member
Pic would help but maybe you arent completly meeting its needs. I have worries of this with my current setup. I can probably do it with another bulb.

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Well I have a red bulb, its 175w in a 2ft by 2ft closet. About 7ft high cellin, The light is about 2ft away and I know its surpost to be closer but it puts out way too much heat. I have a light meter and the needle does all the way up at the floor. I water it every other day. That same meter does the water and ph. Everything is right. I chop the top off a while back and it was outside but got to cold so I moved it inside about a month ago. I don't know what kind of seed it is. Bagseeds, Thats about all I can think of. The temp isn't too high and it isn't too low either. I have a fan inside the closet. One moving air out and one bringing it in. Do I surpost to see small buds at 16 days??


Well-Known Member
16 days is kinda of early depending on how long they were vegged for.. you should start seeing pistils though, plus every strain is different, especially if it's Sativa.. longer flowering cycle

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
I do think I see little small pistils. I know its a female. I might just need to wait longer. I know it went though alot of shock in its life. Being outside and being so cold, then me diging it up and bringing it inside, That was a while back though. I don't know. How old are ya's plants when you start seeing little buds and stuff. I really 15 days because I havn't checked it today. Its in the dark right now. I got it on 12/12 by the way.


Well-Known Member
yeah, if you see pistils, dont worry, just let it go and make sure it gets proper nutrients and youll be fine, the shock might be an issue, but let it go and see what happens


Well-Known Member
6 week veg? from seeds? i cut clones, veg em for about 2 weeks, then they shoot once i put them into flower cycle.. but i do not grow big plants, i grow beer cups HEH one big bug every cup, fit about 48 in a c25 cab


Well-Known Member
6 week veg? from seeds? i cut clones, veg em for about 2 weeks, then they shoot once i put them into flower cycle.. but i do not grow big plants, i grow beer cups HEH one big bug every cup, fit about 48 in a c25 cab
Sounds like fun. I would rather grow less plants with larger yeilds for legal reasons.. just incase... because you never know who might come knockin at your door tomorrow. Maybe they won't even knock, just kick the door in..


Well-Known Member
yeah, true but noone knows i do it, except you guys HAH

but i understand, gotta be careful, how many big plants do you have flowering? Cause i bet you my yield is close... i get about 10-14 grams per cup. You can push it to about 20+ grams, but its tough, you need to administer nutes and everything at the perfect times, tough to master

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
So will get about 576 grams on the 48 plants flowering now and about 864 grams off of the the 72?

You said that you get about 10-14 grams off of your plants so I decide to use 12.
48x12 is 576 if you was wondering how the hell I got that.