150watt hps


Active Member
hey, i was wondering how much heat does a 150 watt hps put out. the reason im asking is because right now im growing with cfls in my 5th week flowering and all im getting is popcorn buds, i was hoping that they would fill out and dense up but from what i've read, that probably wont happen because cfls are known for fluffy popcorn buds. so my question is should i just add more cfls or buy a 150 watt hps along with the cfls i have.

ps. right now i have about 200 watts in those 23 watt cfls, and im growing 2 plants


Well-Known Member
as long as its not a tiny box and you have good airflow the heat shouldnt be a prob.
a 70w HPS could do the job if the plants arent too tall.
them 23w cfls barely have enough light for veg let alone flowering.


Well-Known Member
A 150w HPS will put out around the same amount of heat at 200w of CFLs, with a HPS or MH light an external ballast is always a good idea and a glass shield for the light also helps. I'd get the HPS, it's worth it, just make sure you have good ventilation.


Active Member
i was having the same issues... with cfl and fluro lighting... i also have a SMALL space and ordered and 150w hps... and got a mh conversion bulb.... best investment ever... im tellin ya! now i use all my fluros... cfls.. and mh through veg.. then change to warms and my hps for flower... :) :joint: