150w HPS or CFL Winter Harvest Club


Well-Known Member
I certainly hope it's just a coincidence that we are all unemployed and on a weed forum rather than it being linked in some sort of fashion.


Well-Known Member
oh my god you guys are sick bastards all of you lol
and thanks! just hit 7 weeks on monday she smells awesome I gave her a heavy feeding of big bloom and molasses last night this will be the last time I give her any nutes seeing as Im aiming to harvest at the end of week 9


Well-Known Member
those nugs lok great. i cant wait to flower seein erybodys results. i finaly put the finishing touches on my dual cooltube today. i hope i grow nugs like u guys growing


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here do the hydrogen peroxide?
Hey guys, Im still wondering if any of you use this hydrogen peroxide method in your soil grows....

and if so, how much do you use per gallon?

Edit: and thanks for the answers on molasses :)


Well-Known Member
I do man...what strain is it??

I have a bushy lil clone Im thinking about flowering..Its like 6'' tall..bushy lil fucker tho!! she was my first...:hump:

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
just some seeds ive gotten while smoking the local dank. i wish i knew what it was, its perfect for micro grows

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
nop, but the better girl wich has way more resin and denser nugz (its the one on the right in the first pic and the 3 pics that follow that one) is going to get re-vegged. i saw an awesome tutorial on how to do it and im hoping she kicks back into veg by 3 weeks when i get back. gonna use a 26 w cfl on 18/6 schedule and count on a buddy to swing by and keep her alive. when i get back in january ill be starting a whole new batch and hopefully have that lovely lady hapily growing. this is my ideal scenario, i hope it goes as i intend.


Well-Known Member
alright so here is some better trimmed pics..I smoked a lil tester bud today and it was super stoney..I was high for a long time..I cant wait till its ready!!


Well-Known Member
All these wonderous specimens of tasty buds and I am rightly envious of all of you! lol great work on the harvests everyone and I hope that you all have nice big numbers roll by on those scales when they're dry enough to weigh!


Well-Known Member
that looks tasty! any of you guys ever use neptunes harvest organic nutes?
ive been using the fish fertilizer along with my fox farm regimen and it seems to be pretty good I just picked up the seaweed and and fish and seaweed mix just wanted to see if anyone here had any experience with it .....