150w hps lights is there a range in colors ?


I'll put more pics up and keep you posted on whats going on ty for the help and info..I just put 2 ww in soil 2day and will be waiting to see if they come up, they are 2 fem ww seeds from cannabisseeds.com..I never bought there fem seeds befor but never had a prob with there reg so we will see..The one seed has a tail 1/2" long and othere a 1/4" long in 16 hours of papertowl so I put them in jiffy pods to start there life ..the one is pretty strong and really trying to grow fast the other looks lazzy so we shall see I'll keep this thread updated..My cuttings are going strong yet after 6 /7 days still all leaves are green and they look to be going good..I am starting to pull the dom off now each day to give them some fresh air and they dont seem to mind..