150w hps flowering update


Well-Known Member
clones still havn't rooted, starting to worry me. Like i said those blue widows were the first attempts...guess ill have to just wait and see. Will post an update on the three widows tomorrow and some dried blue bud.


Well-Known Member
are they yellowing yet?? if they are still nice and green then keep waiting....idr the convo im not gonna go back and read...make sure you are using a terrarium or something to boost humidity and a distant light nothing too close and rooting powder does wonders!! those are really the only things to cloning.


Well-Known Member
you need to get a bigger light if you get results like that with a 150 id like to see what you could do with a 600


Well-Known Member
Heres the Blue widow update, didnt realize these were such crappy pics but i'll take new ones when I'm not on a time schedual. These girls are starting to fall over from the bud weight.

Yeah, the one jamaican dream clone started to yellow, the other one was taken later and hasn't. I read somewhere your supposed to use nutrientless soil, like peat moss, is that true? Cause if so i think i need to buy a bag.



Well-Known Member
ive always just used a normal small bag of organic rooting soil so it will have a small amount of nutes in it i guess...i think my success in cloning came from following these guidelines...cut the branch then in a bowl of water make a diagonal cut as you would on a flower, this must be done under water, also while under water scrape the "skin" outside layer of the plant with your razorblade about a half inch up the stalk and dip and spin in cloning powder which you poured out of the bottle and throw away what you dont use then directly into dirt and in a 10 gallon tank with seran wrap over the top and a compact flouro about 6 inches over the top mist daily....hope that helps