150w hps cool tube stealth closet grow


Well-Known Member
lol im so glad its not gonna die lol, idk what ima name it yet, its the end of the day for the plant and this is what it looks like
View attachment 1349657the leafs went back down a bit the yellowings not getting worse tho
Thats what its supposed to do at the end of the light session cause its sleep time....when the lights come on next time you will see that girl will be up and working out. Look at the tips where your new growth comes out, that plant is already looking better bro. Just be patient and watch her work...get a name for her cause you are going to smoke her one day. LOL

I am going to update my journal now. I took pics today and made it rain on two plants.

What time do your lights come on and off?


Active Member
oh nice! ahh off at 2pm and back on at 8pm and on all night till 2pm next day again, i cant wait to see buds! my names are (savage, budsmen, or b16(since this is the first plant i ever finished lol))


Well-Known Member
oh nice! ahh off at 2pm and back on at 8pm and on all night till 2pm next day again, i cant wait to see buds! my names are (savage, budsmen, or b16(since this is the first plant i ever finished lol))
I was thinking instead of Budsmen which seems to be a male name and we dont want that....how about "Budarella" Im stoned so dont mind me.

Ok so around 9pm tonight you should take a pic of your plant so I can see how she is. That give it an hour of light and she will be awake and doing work by then. So take a pic and dont forget, i will check back later to see how she is. so your lights are 18 on and 6 off.



Active Member
IMG_0472.jpgIMG_0473.jpgthis is a few minutes after 8pm i know you said 9 sorry, lol but already its rraching for the sky already lol i should name it kindbud since you saved its life, till i chop it:hump:

idk whats up with those bottom leaves tho their gonna stay curled huh? and the plants got mad hairs all over does this mean its budding already, and yes 18/6 i like the lights and sound off during the day seeing as this is a stealth grow, 12/12 will be even more stealth :mrgreen: thanks duuuddddddeee


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1350290View attachment 1350289this is a few minutes after 8pm i know you said 9 sorry, lol but already its rraching for the sky already lol i should name it kindbud since you saved its life, till i chop it:hump:

idk whats up with those bottom leaves tho their gonna stay curled huh? and the plants got mad hairs all over does this mean its budding already, and yes 18/6 i like the lights and sound off during the day seeing as this is a stealth grow, 12/12 will be even more stealth :mrgreen: thanks duuuddddddeee
Nice she is responding well, just keep in mind bro....only focus and really pay close attention to all the new growth coming in. The older crispy and screwed up fan leaves and lower leaves are not going to get better, within time they will fall off. Just think its only going to get better with each Making It Rain you do and we will be increasing her feedings too.

Is this a AUTO strain???? How could there be white pistils if your lighting is 18/6 or did you run 12/12 to identify sex earlier?

So I would recommend you veg her for at least 2 more weeks minimum. By then she should be 100% fully recovered and even stronger then before. So are you able to veg her for that long or are you on a time crunch and space availability? If its a AUTO strain I guess theres nothing you could do but give her light. DOnt have expierence with any AUTO but I germinated a seed in a Party Cup to see what I can do with it.


Active Member
idk what it is it a bagseed and yea i know for a 100percent fact shes got white pistols all over like a frickin porkypine, 6 main tops look like they are turning into buds faster then the new small leafs can pop out, its been 20/4 for 2 or 3 weeks then 18/6 lighting till now.

all these plants started in party cups n i transfer right before you as seen in the thread, idk i guess ill leave her on 18/6 and see if shes an auto or not, cause i do have one baby white widow starting in there now but i can always stick it in the pc veg box i made


Active Member
weird bro mine started showing pistols and is still in the veg stage on 24 hr but this morning the lights went out and now im running my 12/12 sch. ill take some pics when they start budding keep up the good work bro i cant wait to experiment with making it rain


Active Member
looking forward to seeing those plants, yea idk why either im pretty sure its budding lol

kindbud what do i do for the next feeding?


Well-Known Member
looking forward to seeing those plants, yea idk why either im pretty sure its budding lol

kindbud what do i do for the next feeding?
what did you feed her last feeding and what was the date?

If this is a Auto Strain you might want to get some advice on people who are experts at growing Auto Strain. I would make a thread if I was you and I can help you bump it up to get someone in there to help. I need to learn about it also.


Active Member
tomorrow will but four days from the flood and i didnt the mix you told me, the pot is dry now so it will still be ok for another 24hours right? i just need to know how to feed she again or do i fluch it everytime? well just switch it to flower soon since it decide to jump the gun it looks great now so.... but i think it should be feed tomorow right?


Well-Known Member
tomorrow will but four days from the flood and i didnt the mix you told me, the pot is dry now so it will still be ok for another 24hours right? i just need to know how to feed she again or do i fluch it everytime? well just switch it to flower soon since it decide to jump the gun it looks great now so.... but i think it should be feed tomorow right?
I was kind of hoping that you had the dates and mix written down so I will look back now and check where on your thread you flushed and also fed. I think its only been 3 days??? But I will look back on when ou did it. Yes you have to repeat the whole process again with flushing first and then feeding. Reason being is when your nutes sit in the soil your soil get build up with salt and shit that can screw your plant up. So when you make it rain you are flushing the shit out of your soil and then you feed with a fresh feeding of nutes. I believe we went 50 % dosage on your last feeding but I will have to look back now. Here is a real good idea that I do with my plants, I label them every single time I feed them so I know exactly what I gave them and when it was, here is a pic of what I am talking about:




Active Member
i wrote down in my lil notepad thing i have that i flushed them the 26th in the morning, thats a good idea you go there and a nice plant which ones that one i'd like you know the weight that comes off that one


Well-Known Member
i wrote down in my lil notepad thing i have that i flushed them the 26th in the morning, thats a good idea you go there and a nice plant which ones that one i'd like you know the weight that comes off that one
This is what you fed your plant last: Grow Big (1/2 tsp) 50% / Big Bloom (1/2 tblsp) 50% ***50% dosage of Week#2 of the Fox Farm Feeding Schedule***

You have two options:
#1 Keep it on a Veg schedule and feed her: Grow Big (3/4 tsp) 50% Its more than the last feeding but is only 50% of recommended dosage of WK#3/ Big Bloom (1 tblsp) 100% mix both in 1/2 gallon of water and pH to 6.5 after mixing!!!!!
#2 Start intro flowering feeding and feed her: Grow Big (1/8 tsp)/ Tiger Bloom (1/2 tsp) 50%/Big Bloom (1/2 tblsp) 100%. Thats using WK#5 note: I know it says no Grow Big for WK#5 but its still good to give her alittle cause she needs it and hopefully by WK#7/#8 we will be close to giving her 100% across the boards. Mix all 3 in 1/2 gallon of water and pH to 6.5 after mixing!!!!!

I would recommend on keeping with the Veg cause we want her to be healthier and get you more bud sites!!!! But if its an Auto I dont know what to do. Hope that helps and bro make sure that she is very light in weight before doing Making It Rain again, its always safer to wait an extra day and see her droop during the lighting hours cause thats when you know she is HUNGRY!!!!

Here is a pic of my little sprout that is Hindu Kush x AK47 (AUTO). I am giving it a whirl...LOL should be fun! I think I am going to keep it under 24/0 for 1 weeks and then ride her out 20/4 till she is done!
View attachment 1352771

damnn yo that plant looks fuckin good!!
Whats up bro??? Thought you would like to see my plants measurements....LOL. Have you Made It Rain yet? If you need anything let me know bro.




Active Member
Thanks for all the info bro, that plant looks sick which one is that, you should try fimming one of you next plants!!

Do i still flush the plant with 1gallon of 5.8ph or close water then feed again?? and is this how you feed the plants everyttime using making it rain it whole life beside in seedling stage?

Thanks for all the info your awesome


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info bro, that plant looks sick which one is that, you should try fimming one of you next plants!!

Do i still flush the plant with 1gallon of 5.8ph or close water then feed again?? and is this how you feed the plants everyttime using making it rain it whole life beside in seedling stage?

Thanks for all the info your awesome
yes my brotha...every single time you will start noticing your plant getting new growth everytime you do it. After your next feeding your plant should be almost fully recovered and looking real nice. Its a pain in the ass sometimes to do it but the hard work is rewarded. I actually FIM Baby Lou but I fucked her up by giving her way too much Grow Big durnign the Flowering stages. See I am a nOOb just like you man but I am learning! LOL I still dont know how to harvest yet! LOL But I am sure I willl be fine. Just take lots of pics, its awesome watching your plant grow and looking back at the older pics. Here is a pic of my plant Pat that has the huge cola when I started to flower her:

yellow (4).jpgPat Day 27 (7).jpgPat n Baby Lou side by side (2).jpgPat.jpgPat.jpgPat.jpg
I love taking pictures you can see how I was screwing up the nutrient mixes...Thats why I know how to do it now. So I will help make sure you understand the trio of Fox Farms.

I gotta MIR on two plants right now that one in the pics is Pat and Stranger is just like Pat but a little smaller.



Active Member
lol it takes a little bit and alot of water but yea its totally worth it shes sooo happy now!! amazing man. your right the bottom leafs got all small and crispy lol so i took them off, but the new growth is sooo heathy looking! i decided to go with option number 1 since i got the extra space and you said i should so yea, thanks for saving my grow


Well-Known Member
lol it takes a little bit and alot of water but yea its totally worth it shes sooo happy now!! amazing man. your right the bottom leafs got all small and crispy lol so i took them off, but the new growth is sooo heathy looking! i decided to go with option number 1 since i got the extra space and you said i should so yea, thanks for saving my grow
Good choice, I think more veg makes her a stronger plant and bigger yield hopefully. I got rid of Baby Lou yesterday so now I have room in my tent to start germinating more seeds. I got lucky to have Billcollector let me put her in his greenhouse. So maybe she will start flowering hopefully.

Have a Happy New Year and Get some pics of your plant up there. May you all have a green New Year for 2011. Be Safe!!!



Active Member
thanks i had the worst new years ever tho, but w.e

oh i only feed it 3/4 of big bloom, just wanna add that so i can look back and remember

pics tonight


Active Member
ill b sure to check them pics out and dont feel bad bro my new years was just as bad or worse lol fuck it though rite just as long as 2011 is a good year for growing:weed: