150W HPS Cabinet LST Grow.


Active Member
Right, my lights have just clicked off for the last time and the HPS has been unplugged. Now begins their two days of darkness before they get cut down.
So, the plan.
Two more days of night.
Two days to dry before being sealed up for the road trip.


Active Member
Yeah man, fans are circulating during the day. Off at night for the noise. And yeah, I am real close now I can smell it, literally.


Well-Known Member
good job bagz :)
will you be placing a weight in here before you leave?
please do haha
(if you do, mark each plant 1, 2 etc and tel us theyre individual yeild :))


Well-Known Member
you may wanna leave one fan on at night. i dont know what kinda circulation you have without them but your WAY TO CLOSE to finishing to let mold get to them, sorry for always being "donny downer" bags, but i just want to see the success of this grow as much as you


Active Member
you may wanna leave one fan on at night. i dont know what kinda circulation you have without them but your WAY TO CLOSE to finishing to let mold get to them, sorry for always being "donny downer" bags, but i just want to see the success of this grow as much as you
You're all good man, good idea I have the fan running 24/7 now. Can't risk that, they have come way to far. Thanks for your advise, your a legend.
Cone puller, yeah I have cut up plants 1, 2 and 3 and kept them separate. I have pics soon to come of them laid out harvest of each individual plant. Last uni assignment due tomorrow but I will get the pics up as soon as I have time.


Well-Known Member
Here are some different jars I use. If you reuse jars like me you have to really clean them well and let them air out for a few weeks. That salsa jar still smells like it. The second and third jar from the left hold the same amount, about 200 ml, and the far right one is 1 qt. The one on the far left I use for my daily jar. It can hold about 3g of normal density bud so by the time you get to the bottom of the jar the bud is still good and hasn't become overly dry. The qt. jar can hold about 2 oz. of bud. They would be your best bet for your trip, and you can get a case of them at wal-mart for around $10.



So wheres the money shot? Give us the wet weight. *** EDIT *** I'm sorry I should have asked first to post in your grow journal.


Well-Known Member
yeah bagz, something.

hey i broke down and harvested her. i came to the conclusion i had some type of light leak and she began to reveg, very weirdly though. i am posting harvest pics now.


Active Member
Hey team. By now most of you probably think I got busted on the bus ride home.
Good news is that I beat the traffic, made it back safely and have got three bags of dried bud with me to enjoy. Magic.

Very sorry about this late update, especially cause you guys were all hanging out for this post. The internet here is rubbish and would freeze when uploading pics. I have tried several times now. Hopefully this works.

Pre harvest pics.



Well-Known Member
No crap, I thought he ended up in some third world prison where meal time consists of eating the bugs on the floor!! Glad to have u back bagz, and congrats on the harvest. Looks good


Active Member
I kept all three plants seperate when drying em them out so I could way them each.

When I cut them down and trimmed them I kept them in big nugs to dry.

Plant 2 weighed 29 grams, just over an ounce.
Plant 3 weighed 28 grams, so about an ounce
Plant 1 weighed 16g grams, just over half an ounce.

That weight is all fully trimmed of leafs, pruned to just bud and dried out. Not a bad harvest. I was staoked.
I have a shit load of leave trimmings, stalk and popcorn bud that I will put into a cake sometime soon too. Should be good.

Enjoy the pics of the final harvest, I even layed them all out seperatly for ya.

What do you guys reckon?



Well-Known Member
form following ur grow i always thought those plants were humongous 5oz ea+ until about 3 posts up where u added a pic of the white ighter annd i wa slike :o
looks good tho, hope u cure it good wiht no mould problems and have sum prime smoke :)


Active Member
No crap, I thought he ended up in some third world prison where meal time consists of eating the bugs on the floor!! Glad to have u back bagz, and congrats on the harvest. Looks good
Shit I have a welcome back party. Thanks man the harvest was sweet must go check your grow out, it's been a while.. I am not sure what my punnishment would be for me over here but I would hope we have something better than bugs. I know know for a fact they have heated floors though.


Active Member
Haha, I wish! I doubt that in my small space, the grow box wouldn't even come up to your waist. I think I posted pics with size comparisons early on. Five ounces a plant would be very nice. No mould problems at all, It's nice n dry and still a lil sticky.


Well-Known Member
lol wel i chimed in about halfway through or so so i must of missed that pic :)
until i saw that pic i was in complete and absolute aw,jealousy and inspiration

now im only completely in aw, jealousy and inspiration :D


Active Member
If I could do a similar thing to this with a brighter light on a larger scale I would be stoaked. But it's a shitload of fun to see what you can do in a small spot. Have you checked out the pics in my very first post with the shelf setup in the wardrobe?
Thanks man, I am definitly keen to give this another go too. I think I might be able to get my hands on a 8 week flowering indica too. See if I can improve for round two.