150w HPS 1st Closet Grow


Hi WeedyBlooDShoT,

I'm interested in low Wattage so I'll come back regularly to check your grow. Until now it looks nice.
What soil are you using? What strain? I would not recommend fertilizing young plants, especially if you are using water soluble nutes, like miracle grow. Those lades look a little stressed.
MG is fine and everything. I used it before and i have burnt seedlings with it. Be easy with the stuff when you use it on little plants. You want to let the plants develop a strong root system before you fertilize with salts like MG. You will upset the plants ability to take up water. If your soil is already depleted you are better off just starting over with some potting soil that will sustain seedlings without extra help. I have done two grows with miracle gro soil and nutes. It grew some nice plants. Just be easy on the seedlings is all i'm saying. The new pics look better btw


Well-Known Member
kk.. yea im planning on just getting some good plain soil for when i have 2 repot..and re fert..and just deal with some regular nutes..no more MG for me lol unless i can use it and learn how 2
they can handle it once they get a root system on it. They will eat it up. They key is to get soil that will allow them to get big enough without having to fertilize. Miracle grow potting soil has plenty of nutes in it and will work fine for seedlings. you can find that stuff at any walmart. Just put them things in a container of miracle and wait until the leaves start to yellow. Then you know they need some food. Then start feeding them with MG tomato food at 1/4 stength. What was the name of the soil btw?


Active Member
I think he meant when plants start to lack nutes that they need, they start showing signs of a deficiency, thus in some cases turning yellow on the leaves.
Yeah. Don't start fertilizing until the leaf tip begin to yellow. Then you know the plants have surpassed the soils ability to feed them. It's way to easy to burn young plants. You think you are helping it grow more, but you might be doing more damage than good.


Well-Known Member
001.JPG002.JPG006.JPG004.JPG003.JPG007.JPG005.JPG2days update =).... does any1 know y the leaf on the sec pic are curling up like that? the sec 2 last pic is the same plant..


Active Member
dayumm they got some nice fat green fat leaves.
about the leaf curling up. this is just something iv'e learned from experience....mine only do that when they're under watered and its too hot in there.
but again ur plants are different than mine but you can try it if you wnt