1500w MH on a track system?

I am thinking of undertaking a moderately sized medical grow but first i wanted to see if this idea would work:

Ok so i have a 1500w MH and was thinking about growing about 12 plants under it.

However i am thinking of installing a track system in which the whole MH light can move back and forth between another set of 12 plants...

My question is:

Even though 24 plants would be recieving direct light while it was over them, would the light hours be cut in half since it would'nt be shining directly on each plant the entire cycle?

Any input would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
It would work well provided you have the ventilation for all that heat. Personally I would be more worried about the Availability of those 1500w bulbs in the event it dies... Finding an affordable replacement could be he'll.


why dont you get 2 lamps and operate them on the same ballast. you'd have two timers hooked up to the same ballast. one's on for 12 hours and then when it turns off you'll time it so that the second one turns on (you can work this down to the minute if you had 2 digital timers)

i dont even know if you're in the flowering stage but i've always thought of doing this


New Member
no, the bulbs are cheaper than 1000's as they are used for undustrial purposes, so answer the question he asked...

yes, your idea would work great...

keep the lighting cycle the same as if you didnt have the track mover.

they do produce a lot of heat, so consider getting a vented hood or cool tube for the thing

only problem with those bulbs is they do burn out a lot faster than the 1000's but as stated before they are also much cheaper, so its a coin toss either way. Heat will be your biggest issue... a vented hood or cool tube is a must.


Well-Known Member
I am thinking of undertaking a moderately sized medical grow but first i wanted to see if this idea would work:

Ok so i have a 1500w MH and was thinking about growing about 12 plants under it.

However i am thinking of installing a track system in which the whole MH light can move back and forth between another set of 12 plants...

My question is:

Even though 24 plants would be recieving direct light while it was over them, would the light hours be cut in half since it would'nt be shining directly on each plant the entire cycle?

Any input would be appreciated.
If you mean move completely away from one set of plants while over the other, I would try to put all twelve together and have the light move back and forth just enough to cover both ends. With a light that strong you could keep it 24" off the plants which would give you alot of coverage. You could cover a 12'x12' room with that light.