150 watt Hps Speaker Cabinet Grow-Scrog from Seed

i watered her yesterday with a dose of alaskan fish fertilizer. Should i wait a couple of days before i feed her anything else. I did notice she has gotten a little worse since her yesterday feeding. Maybe i didnt feed her enough?


Well-Known Member
That piece of glass you have, since it is at an angle, is reflecting a LOT of useable light at a wall. You should have glass like that parallel with the bulb if you're going to do that. And I'd bet you don't even need it to be there.
You can transplant whenever you want. Just be careful. It's going to be very hard with that folgers can.

Also, it has a severe nitrogen deficency in the above pictures, hope you worked that out. The key to a successful harvest is having many many healthy green leaves before going into flower. Sucks, each and every one of those dead yellow leaves was a fat chunk of your yield.
Good luck.
That piece of glass you have, since it is at an angle, is reflecting a LOT of useable light at a wall. You should have glass like that parallel with the bulb if you're going to do that. And I'd bet you don't even need it to be there.
Thanks for the advice, i will remove the glass and moniter the temps
you need to transplant. imagine your root mass being the same size as your canopy. you being in soil, you seriously need to transplant.

you are most likely ROOTBOUND

not to mention each time you feed it, if it doesn't use the nutrients, they will sit rootbound with the rest of your roots, burning it up.

if it does eat up nutrients the roots will certainly grow a little and become more rootbound.

"this late in flowering"

you really aren't half way yet, and probably should have thought about the transplant ahead of time ;)

best of luck.


Active Member
it very well could be a PH issue.
im guessing you dont have a ph kit?
that Miracle Gro is very acidic!
go buy some Dolomite Lime from anywhere with a garden centre like RIGHT NOW and top dress 1 cup of it, then continue with nutrients.
replanted her into a much larger pot a couple of weeks ago, removed the plexi glass, and swithed back to organics as soon as she recovered. She sure is loving that bat shit.

Also i noticed calyx's starting to swell, Does this mean about 2 weeks left till harvest?