150 Watt HPS Enough


My first attempt at growing and i have one possibly hermie (could somebody just confirm that for me it would be awesome it just developed a single ball by the pistil) already in my flowering room but would a 150 hps work to bud up to six plants well or would i need a high watt.light.



Active Member
I might be wrong but those look like calyx's to me. How big are your plants? What type of growing method are you using. I did 2 successful grows using only a 150watt hps. They where each 6 small plants in a diy dwc tub. The yield was not the best but if it is all you got it will do just fine.


your prolly right im still new to this their 2 foot 8 at the moment. using an ebb and flow hydroponic system with a simple two part neutrient.


Active Member
When I have seen nuts come from my plants in that area they hang. If you are concerned about your plant/s being hermi's watch for banana looking thing in the bud. If you see those pick them out. They are pretty tall then depending on the size of your room the plant WILL be fighting over light with the 150watt so you could try to tie the branches down SLIGHTLY to allow more light to seep thru the canopy. Usually you don't train plants that are further into flowering, but in this situation could be helpful.
From the little I see they seem healthy so you are doing the main thing right!
p.s. Welcome to to RIU!:bigjoint::eyesmoke:bongsmilie:joint::clap:


Alright i think im cool then appreciate it man im really excited because all six of my clones have rooted perfectly and it was my first try. the shitty thing is the seeds prolly arent worth a damn i got um outta a bag of weed somewhere i think that one was from a decent bag of weed though.


Well-Known Member
you could do a vertical, keep the hps suspended between the plants vertically.

then turn the plants around daily or something like that.


Active Member
Alright i think im cool then appreciate it man im really excited because all six of my clones have rooted perfectly and it was my first try. the shitty thing is the seeds prolly arent worth a damn i got um outta a bag of weed somewhere i think that one was from a decent bag of weed though.
You would be surprised. These were ALL bag seed. These were a few harvest ago. A lot of my current grow is bag seed check it out sometime if ya got a chance peace!:bigjoint:
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you think if i ran two 150 watts HPS it would help with the getting a higher yeild and overall better stronger plants? cause i dont have the money to invest in a 400 or more and i have one 150 already cost me only 90 dollars to pick up another and just need some more chain then


Active Member
If the extra 150watt IS an option that is within you limits then go for it! Just be weary of extra heat build up. How are your temps and humidity right now with the single 150?


well the way i had my inline fan before in my room it sat at like 81 or 82 while at peak hours i only intake air at the moment im working on a solution to exaust at the moment but i need another fan the one i have is not strong enough i have moved my fan cause it kept me up all night and now it is getting upto 90 at the moment. the way i have the air going into the little rooms i have is just from the top i can extend some ducting to hang just under the light cause the 150 is so small it dosent have fittings on it to hook of ducting that would be nice.


Active Member
I would try to focus on getting your heat and humidity to a balanced level before you worry about adding any more light, because the extra light will add more heat, of course, and mess with the humidity.
You mentioned that you have the air going through the top of the tent; I would HIGHLY recommend trying to find a way to bring the fresh air in below the level of your light, because the air at the top of your room is always going to be hotter than the air at the bottom, so it's not really cooling the room as much as it could be. We have our fresh air coming in towards the top of the tent because that's the only place we can bring it in from, but that only works for us because we have the air cooled hood and the air outside here in our lovely town is really never more than 65-70 degrees....lucky us!
As far as the humidity, we were having problems with the humidity going to 100% when the lights were off, because we had the intake fan on the same schedule as the light. Now we keep the intake on 24 hours and the humidity never gets over 60%; still a bit higher than we like but it doesn't seem to hurt the plants as much as the 100% did! We noticed a MAJOR stunt in the growing, but it has gotten better now that we fixed the problem.
Anyways, I would try the different intake position if you can. As far as the fan keeping you up at night, try earplugs! lol....don't know if that would work, but it's worth a try to give your ladies the fresh air they need!


Weed Modifier
tha'ts a female..those can be deceiving but are normal.
those single (calyx) ....the sepals of a flower...ie.single swollen sac looking things along the main stem are normal on females.


Well-Known Member
yes, you want to try and suck the air through the grow.

sounds like a 150w more would be too much.

dont worry about the yield, just relax and concentrate on keeping a healthy plant (which is basically doing very little and allowing the plant to do its thing)


fuckin A earplugs will work i think i got the intake figured out i just need to go out and buy some more ducting what i have left over is in small parts so i need to go to the hardware store. yea the way my room is the only way i can really get the air in is from the top to the flowering room i could try and put some space between the two rooms cause they right next to each other then go in on the side for both and make the exhuast come out the top cause heat rises anyway it would be easiest im just not sure where i could pump the exhuast air i could leave it in my closet cause i pull clean air from my room and hopefully this will help with the sealing of my grow room. Its a homemade tent make of a special mylar and ive had a bitch of a time sealing it cause it fills with air and it keeps opening up taped spots


FUCK yes i used this old fan i had as an exhaust and my inline to pump fresh air in from my room at flood table level i had to run new ducting but i used the old ducting i had to hook up the exhaust fan from the top the shit is the tits now i can seal it now because of all the air flowing out so its fully sealed now and just in time for me to put my clones in some pots with hydroton and get my veg room going i gotta wait till the lights come on now to see how it actually works out for me. I bought this air purifer and ionzier at walmart for like 20 bucks i taped it to the ducting thats bringing fresh air in so its filtered and clean and it has a fan on it so it gives a tiny boost i guess. thnx for all the help and advice guys

Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
150 watts can work for multiple plants, its just a mini SOG, i do between 4-7 plants in 2 sq. ft. with soil and usually get about 21 grams per plant in organic soil 1 gallons, lollipop em good as the 150 doesnt penetrate much more than 8 inches to a foot and try to set the canopy for good light distribution


Active Member
I personally wouldn't run more than 2 plants under 1 hps. But, yea the heat from my dual 150s I get max ~87, I have a 435 exhaust. Using passive intake.


so i put in alot of work yesterday and i think ive got something thats gonna work for me now id like to get a better exhaust fan but what i have now will work i took a few pics of my setup so you could see how i fixed the deliema its got my flowering room down to 84 and my veg room sits at 77 i think both are pretty good at the moment. Sorry some of the pictures are shitty all i have is my phone and it dosent like the HPS lamp so its hard to get a picture of the inside and my plantIMG_20110518_001118.jpgIMG_20110518_000556.jpgIMG_20110518_000851.jpgIMG_20110518_000504.jpgIMG_20110518_000534.jpgIMG_20110518_001058.jpgIMG_20110518_000542.jpgIMG_20110518_000458.jpg