150 watt hps + cfl grow=the bomb nuggets

MC Bud

that is one sexy diy growbox...... mine is rotten cartboard box with like 3 rolls of ductape stuck to it to hold it's "sealed" door. it leaks light , looks horrible and is FULL of wiring . stupid country that doesnt have radio-shacks and wallmarts ....
Thanks man! Hey you gotta do what you gotta! If you gotta se a cardboard box to get some smoke, then by all means! Haha thanks for checkin in!
AHA Dude nice job I have almost literally got the same set up as you . 250 watt hps with 8 23 watt cfls for my flowering room and been getting 3 zips a plant . The thing that amazes me is that Im using the same fox farm set up and will never change its awesome keep it up and look at some of my pics if you can if not ill post some soon kkkk PEACE the SIZZ


very nice im new to this forum and currently doing my first grow ass well similar to youre but its for right know getting a grow tent and 150w hps grow light and some foxfarm nutrients.im growiin under 2x42w cfls.oh i topped my plant its 2 weeks and 4 days old.

MC Bud

No huge updates. Topped one of the plants in veg and tied the other two down a little more. Will post pics when im not at work.

MC Bud

well here's the 3 bag seeds vegging away. these were taken last night right after i watered them so they look a little droopy. they're perked right back up now but camera batteries are dead. once its charged ill get some new ones to show all the new growth. the lst is helping all the lower branches get a good amount of light. i'm loving it haha


and my new 3 gallon dollar store buckets i'm going to transplant them too within the next week or so.


and last but not least...a little bud porn :hump:

IMG_9683.jpg2011-08-28 22.21.53.jpgIMG_9674.jpgIMG_9675.jpg

now to smoke a bowl and play some COD bongsmilie

MC Bud

picked up some Reflectix reflective insulation to try out in the veg box. was told by a buddy of mine that it works good. lined the walls and made a little ghetto reflector for the lights. we'll see how it works out. if it's good i'll pick up some more and line the flowering closet too. $8.99 for a 16"x25' roll. not bad price, especially if it works.

anyone have any insight on this stuff?
Reflectix, Inc
Lowe's website

alright on to the money shots.

2011-09-01 19.12.50.jpg2011-09-01 19.11.11.jpg2011-09-01 19.11.25.jpg2011-09-01 19.11.36.jpg

let me know what you guys think. i'm all for constructive criticism :eyesmoke:

MC Bud

Glad to have you aboard paul!

These things seem to love this reflectix stuff. just finished doing a ghetto job on the closet with the stuff. Its like 10x brighter in there now. Wish I'd found this stuff sooner:wall:
NICE JOB MC BUD!!!! Hey did you lst those budding plants too ? They look juicy boss keep up the good work you sure are representing RIU Would like to have you as afriend and have a bet with my girl to see if i can get as many friends on here as she does on face book help me out and ill also keep you posted on my grow which im posting new pics of on my profile tommorrow.If you go to my profile you can add me as a friend. THANKS BRO ill tty soon PEACE the SIZZ

MC Bud

NICE JOB MC BUD!!!! Hey did you lst those budding plants too ? They look juicy boss keep up the good work you sure are representing RIU Would like to have you as afriend and have a bet with my girl to see if i can get as many friends on here as she does on face book help me out and ill also keep you posted on my grow which im posting new pics of on my profile tommorrow.If you go to my profile you can add me as a friend. THANKS BRO ill tty soon PEACE the SIZZ
i did not lst the flowering one. it was the only one out of like 10 seeds i had going that wasn't lst'd. and guess which one was the only female? lol
anything for a fellow nor'easter haha

MC Bud

sorry i haven't updated in a few days. been busy with work and the family and what not. no huge updates. the flowering bag seed i have is starting to swell. its getting bigger and smellier everyday. think i'm gonna try and find a microscope tomorrow. where can i get a cheap one? haha

so i got a question for whoever is out there paying attention lol. has anyone ever used a bathroom exhaust fan for an intake/exhaust on a tent? how did it work and how did you wire it up? and how many cfm's was it pushing?

will post pics shortly :lol:


at planetbulb.com you can find 42w compact cfl. with various Kelvin ratings...they also have a 105 w compact for only $25