150 HPS Querkle 10 weeks - When to flower?


Active Member
So originally I had a friend growing this for me under 3 400 watt hps with about 10 other plants and it was looking pretty bad for the plants health as it was entirely yellow and I almost through her out until I decided to transplant from a 25 gallon bucket it was in (I don't know why) to a 2 gallon to compensate my growbox and now look at her. Been under the 150 HPS for half of its life and is now looking really good... however I will soon run out of space in my grow box and was wondering if I should start flowering already or give her another week or two.

I also can't help but ask the newbie question of how much bud do you think I will get? :bigjoint: I have grown only one other plant which was outdoor & purple urkel which was about the same size and I got just over 35 grams dry.




Well-Known Member
HOLY SHIT! i have a 150 watt hps, AND THAT SAM E COOLING FAN!! hahahaaaaa DOPE. flower wenever u want man! asw fer yer yeild that all depend on wat happens from now on


Active Member
HOLY SHIT! i have a 150 watt hps, AND THAT SAM E COOLING FAN!! hahahaaaaa DOPE. flower wenever u want man! asw fer yer yeild that all depend on wat happens from now on
Lol das wusup.. Yea, I really want to get the most out of this plant without running out of space that was it


Active Member
Lol das wusup.. Yea, I really want to get the most out of this plant without running out of space that was it
So about a week later after switching to 12/12 plant has nearly doubled in size. grew about 5" of height in shorter area and is twice as bushy... really fills out the box useage nice