15 weeks of flower. Blue Dream


Well-Known Member
I was told the Trichomes dont lie. I also keep getting the comments of "wait another week". .. & believe me, I get it. It's an educated guess. After all, I'm asking other growers to "guess" at my grow. & that's hard to do just looking at someone else's pics sometimes. Especially after I stopped her nutes when she was still bulking. Causing her bud growth to stunt .. & making them look underdeveloped for their age. She then cannabilized her own leaves that she had left. It was scary for a new grower. Yet all my fault. I did learn alot from it though. & even though I'm new to this. All this info. I just stated is another reason I feel it's hard for others to "guess" from just looking at pics. What someone else has going on in their grow room.. & maybe I should just trust my own judgement now & then. Also, there's some newbies that need to hear this: **You need your fan leaves**. Atleast some of them. So quit cutting them ALL off! I've seen some crazy looking sticks with just a few buds attached to them, on this forum. & **I know I am posting alot here. & yall might get tired of the dumb shitt. Although after looking at the forum a bit. My shitt should be a relief compared to some of these other new posts. I get the sarcasm. Hell, just use a little common sense before you post. Anyhow, I truly appreciate ALL the advice & tips along the way. Everytime I take pics of her tri's from various corners of my tents buds. .. I see a handful of more Amber Trichomes popping up. & Even though I still have a few white pistols. The majority of them are red hairs now & the buds are actually looking like the buds I'm use to rolling up every day, from my local guy. Now, as stated.. I know im new to this grow thang. So I still enjoy talking about it with others here. So If I'm wrong. I will gladly take constructive criticism. Trolls need not reply. (Get out of your basement & go outside & interact with real people. It will be good for you). *All others that have been helpful with my grow. You know who you are .. & I thank you whole heartedly. Let me know a Yes or No in the comments if you would put her into 48 hrs. Of darkness soon. Thx. Again R.I.U. fam. - Casey. P.S. **I actually did a test run on drying & I snipped a bottom bud a few weeks ago. 5 days later she was dry. Then a week after that (yesterday) I tried a small pc. In my bowl. I was amazed at how good it tasted & smooth of smoke it was for not even being cured yet. It was a nice high & I'm stoked on my 1st grow.


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If you overcook your plants early on
The terps and trichs will never develop properly
Your plant looks far from done but based on all the dead leaves...
I would just go ahead and chop and start over reducing by 1/2 everything you did this run

I truly hope you learn to get a plant to the finish line if you think this one was top notch herb
If you overcook your plants early on
The terps and trichs will never develop properly
Your plant looks far from done but based on all the dead leaves...
I would just go ahead and chop and start over reducing by 1/2 everything you did this run

I truly hope you learn to get a plant to the finish line if you think this one was top notch herb
I did not mean top notch. Was just amazed at how good it was considering. That's all I meant. & yes. I just want to take what I learned & not make those mistakes again. This new grow I'm doing looks even better than my 1st did in veg. So I feel good about it & ready to try again. I do appreciate the feedback. Thanks again man.
If you overcook your plants early on
The terps and trichs will never develop properly
Your plant looks far from done but based on all the dead leaves...
I would just go ahead and chop and start over reducing by 1/2 everything you did this run

I truly hope you learn to get a plant to the finish line if you think this one was top notch herb
Are you saying he overcooked his plants by looking at the plants or remembering a previous post? Would like to know what signs to look for regarding over nuting
Are you saying he overcooked his plants by looking at the plants or remembering a previous post? Would like to know what signs to look for regarding over nuting
I've posted a few times that he's reviewed. I did too much nutes. Then completely stopped them all together, thinking I was flushing at 9 weeks. Lol. When in reality this strain goes waaaaay past that. So yea. You live & you learn. But he's going off my past posts & info give. Thx.
I WILL grow this stain again. & If I would of study the strain 1st, before popping the seed. Well.. I know alot about her that I did not before. What she's likes, etc.. So I'm looking forward to the next Blie Dream grow. I'm disappointed at myself for a few stupid mistakes. Although when I see some others "1st grows".. welp, I dont feel so bad anymore. Lol
From my experience when I had grows go badly they never finished. They never gave me a nice change from clear, cloudy, amber. When I got my shit figured out and had a non nutrient messed up grow everything was on schedule and matured as it should.

Your plants look stressed. They started to shoot new flowers out, thus the new white hairs. That is why they don't look done, not sure why plants do this when stressed but that is the way it is.

If it truly has been 15 weeks since flower and a test smoke did the body good...chop and start again.

Less is more sometimes with the nutes.

If you got something you can smoke on your first attempt at growing Mary Jane. Give yourself a pat on the back. Did better than most.
I WILL grow this stain again. & If I would of study the strain 1st, before popping the seed. Well.. I know alot about her that I did not before. What she's likes, etc.. So I'm looking forward to the next Blie Dream grow. I'm disappointed at myself for a few stupid mistakes. Although when I see some others "1st grows".. welp, I dont feel so bad anymore. Lol
Don't be disappointed in yourself...you learned alot this run and the next one of this same strain will go smoother. You learned details firsthand that just can't be taught any other way than through experience. And you're happy with the smoke so it will only improve from here. If this were my first grow, I would have been proud of it.
Don't be disappointed in yourself...you learned alot this run and the next one of this same strain will go smoother. You learned details firsthand that just can't be taught any other way than through experience. And you're happy with the smoke so it will only improve from here. If this were my first grow, I would have been proud of it.
Thanks man. I appreciate that. Only reason I'm dissapointed is because I can see what it "could" have been. This strain "could" make a beast of a plant. Owell, onward through the fog. & I seriously can not wait for redemption. - Casey
This thread is great, happy your happy OP, looking great for you, people on here really can help, just a lot of people don't listen or can't take the sarcasm, I haven't been here long and ye gods the amount of title threads that are about flushing is staggering, so yeah I understand the guys getting sarcastic, don't we all hehe.
I appreciate all the feedback guys. I just smoked a joint from the bud I test dried. It was a nice mellow high.. So she goes into 48 hours of darkness tonight. I think she's ready. Or atleast as ready as this ones going to get. Next time I grow Blue Dream she will be a beast! Watch!!
I appreciate all the feedback guys. I just smoked a joint from the bud I test dried. It was a nice mellow high.. So she goes into 48 hours of darkness tonight. I think she's ready. Or atleast as ready as this ones going to get. Next time I grow Blue Dream she will be a beast! Watch!!
Can't wait to see. My goals each grow is to get to the final weeks without dropping any leaves. No leaves turning brown. That is how I judge my grows.

As soon as you start seeing an issue you gotta get if solved or it just keeps getting worse.

If you can go 3 or 4 weeks before the seed leaf turn brown your doing great.
Can't wait to see. My goals each grow is to get to the final weeks without dropping any leaves. No leaves turning brown. That is how I judge my grows.

As soon as you start seeing an issue you gotta get if solved or it just keeps getting worse.

If you can go 3 or 4 weeks before the seed leaf turn brown your doing great.
That is my new goal. To keep it green. Lol.