15+ strains with sensi jack herer. 1000HPS perpetual.


Well-Known Member
Update on the jacks. One of the phenos does'nt look good at all. It looks like a long finisher and very mediocr quality. The haze pheno is starting to put on the resin and the buds are starting to look like theyre gaining in size finally into its 5th week. This bitch is gonna be a 10+
week finisher. The other pheno seems to look like an indica dominant plant in veg yet here at 5 weeks in the new leaves look narrow. Would that be a skunk pheno? Just a guess. But its starting to look beautiful. Trichomes forming more and more. Pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
All 7 have germinated. I'll transplant them into little plastic containers tonight and put them on a heat mat. Any idea wether I should put the containers directly on the heat mat or put a towell on it then the containers. Theyre small 2 inch by 4 or 5 inches tall.



Active Member
I would definitely use a towel or some other type of barrier. I use a 14' granite tile leftover from my kitchen remodel. It takes a while to heat up but it maintains a much more even temperature than using a towel did. Is this for the DJ Short OTM?


Well-Known Member
All 7 have germinated. I'll transplant them into little plastic containers tonight and put them on a heat mat. Any idea wether I should put the containers directly on the heat mat or put a towell on it then the containers. Theyre small 2 inch by 4 or 5 inches tall.
What works best for me is that I put a towel under the heat mat, then place the cups on top of the heat mat. This keeps it a bit warmer especially if you are in cooler temps.


Well-Known Member
Its one of those hydrofarm mats and the warning says no thermal insulation directly on top because of overheating. I checked the seedlings and 4 out of six have made it to the soil. Felt the bottom of the containers and it wasnt too warm at all. But more roots are going to grow and I dont want to overheat them so I'll come up with a way to keep the containers warm without hurting the plant.


Active Member
Very nice Anhedonia!! We are from the same area and growing some of the same strains, scribed!

I'm with you about all the shitty outdoor around, all my buddy's in Grass Valley are still growing a lot of crap. Ive offered genetics, but year after year they show up with the same junk. :spew:


Well-Known Member
Glad to have you guys around.
Yeah that shit sucks. Why put all that money time and effort into something only to produce an inferior product. I literally have to smoke bowlfulls with BHO and kif to my head so I can feel medicated. Im buying an xl roller so I can smoke 2g joints of this stuff to my head all day. I dont know which ones better, bowls with hash or big joints.

A joint rolling tip I thout I would share: pack as much ground herb as you can in a roller until you can barely close it but still not tight enough that its too hard to roll foward and backward with your thumbs. So close the packed roller and roll it back and fourth making the herb compact. Delicately open the roller so your packed log of marijuana falls from that into a paper. Then with your hands wrap the paper around the log and stick it. I use raw brand unbleached hemp papers that are supposed to be run resistant. Ive been rolling these joints for a couple weeks now and its the best method Ive found.


Well-Known Member
WOW. That xl roller does not work like that. One parcial turn then insert paper. I need to sit down with a couple oz.'s and perfect rolling these king size joints. I dont like breaking the bud up with my hands and I dont like the fact that some weed has little stems in it so that if you were to use a grinder the stems would be in there too. There are some nice ones Ive seen with chambers for collecting resin. I like that instead of wasting all the resin that comes off on your fingers.

Ever think though that as long as these large outdoor grow ops producing shitty weed are up and running, our dank will always be $50/8th $90/4th and so on. But I only know 3 friends who I sell my stuff to because EVERYONE is happy smoking thier shitty weed and getting it really cheap. And I dont know anyone who buys dank. Except summer time. I can get money then. Didnt have a big harvest last summer but this year I might even be able to go in with my mom on a new house so I can grow outdoor.

Anyway... back to the grow.

5 OTM have broken the soil. They look very healthy and green and have fuzzy stems. I'll post pics in about 5 days. 2 blue dreams will be ready to go into the tent on the first. Im aiming for at least a QP of that. Took the 1st jack herer out of my tent and got rid of all the clones of it I had. After 5 weeks it just looked like crap. Wasnt producing resin at all. Dont need to grow that when I have other good plants to put in there.


Well-Known Member

I just picked up a few JH clones off Craigslist, I love that strain

These are suppose to be clones from Mark Emery seeds from what the person told me, I am sooo pumped

I will be watching this one


Well-Known Member
Pictures coming tomorrow! Got my great granddads cigar box turned it into my new stash spot. Made a shit load of dry seive too. Thats a little over 7 grams in the bowl made from an astounding 28 grams of nuggetts. Im not lying, I can hardly believe it myself. That picture is after I scraped the walls of the bowl. I pressed a gram and a half of it into a soft pliable chunk of hash in minutes. Doesnt bubble unfortunately just sizzles a little.



Well-Known Member
Pictures coming tomorrow! Got my great granddads cigar box turned it into my new stash spot. Made a shit load of dry seive too. Thats a little over 7 grams in the bowl made from an astounding 28 grams of nuggetts. Im not lying, I can hardly believe it myself. That picture is after I scraped the walls of the bowl. I pressed a gram and a half of it into a soft pliable chunk of hash in minutes. Doesnt bubble unfortunately just sizzles a little.
How did you extract the kief?

Please explain if you could, thanks



Well-Known Member
I acctually picked that up at harborside in oakland. Never had veggi glycerine tincure so I picked it up. Goes great in tea and I love how its all sweet and melts in your mouth. But yeah, you have to take a few droppers.