15 days of 12/12 and still no sex?


Active Member
Hey guys, I've searched through the forums on three different sites and still couldn't find any answers for my particular case. I'm growing 2 bag seed plants (orange crush x kush) in a PC case, and it's been 15 days since I've switched to 12/12 and there is still no signs of showing sex at all. I vegged them for 30 days, topped 5 days prior to switching. This seems to be abnormal considering it's a mostly indica plant. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can do to perhaps speed up this process or is patience really a virtue in this case?

Thanks in advance.


New Member
Well if this is your first grow nothing is abnormal then cause u haven't experienced anything.
Different strains so sex at different times its nature let it work out and btw hermies and males show sex later then females......kidding but maybe kinda just made that up

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
It takes about 2 weeks for the first pistils/balls to show. Balls usually take less to show.

So I'd guess you're ok, no need to worry.

john q. public

Active Member
make sure its dark enough in there... best way to check is put box in a dark room, with the grow light on. if you can see light coming out, you may have an issue. that would mess it up... otherwise, patience...


Active Member
Well if this is your first grow nothing is abnormal then cause u haven't experienced anything.
Different strains so sex at different times its nature let it work out and btw hermies and males show sex later then females......kidding but maybe kinda just made that up
Haha funny :p I know that typically males show first lol... Or maybe, I've discovered a new strain... a sexless one?! hehe

make sure its dark enough in there... best way to check is put box in a dark room, with the grow light on. if you can see light coming out, you may have an issue. that would mess it up... otherwise, patience...
Well there are a few light leaks around the box, but they are tiny pinholes. The lights are off in my room while they're out in the box as well. I'm confident that one or two pinholes in a dark room shouldn't
affect this too much.

Thanks for the replies guys The lights go on in soon, so I'll have a look to see if I have some nice pistils poking out yet. If not, it'll be day 16 with no sex yet! :/


Active Member
lols...patience man... fuck, im just imagining how much i have to wait for them to show sex.. :|
Patience sucks! hehe I just checked again, and no change. They are a lil taller though. Oh well, I'll read your grow journal to kill some time :D


Well-Known Member
try going to 11 hrs light and 13 hrs dark...might speed it up a bit...

also, though it might be too late, green/not yellow, banana peels in top of your soil and the whole plant/plants covered with transparent garbage bag.
unripe banana peels give off ethylene gas which allows flowers to open sooner, basically it 'ripens' fruit faster.
don't tie off the bag under the plants, leave it open so the air can flow some. the ethylene gas will rise up to the top of the bag. the bag should be big enough to reach the pot/plant container.

you can start your research of ethylene gas here...http://www.plant-hormones.info/ethylene.htm
there is a lot of info through google.

ethylene also promotes female flowers, but you'd have had to done that in the beginning of your flowering stage. also, you can put banana, cucumber, apple or melon rinds
in a ziplock and seeds into an envelope, unsealed, or coffee filter or something, all into the ziplock...this will induce more female plants.