15 days into flowering! How are we doing?! (Pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! these are our babies and they are just a lil over 2 weeks flowering under a 250W MH. Any advice or comments would be great. Please let us know how we are doing, any pointers or helpful tips would be nice. As we had a question about yellow fading leaves earlier we are guessing it's just the natural flowering stage effects. Hopefully our babies are where they should be at if not better. They look so yummy, but wont be ready until after summer :(. Also we are about to purchase some seeds of Dr. Chronic and were debating between the medical and the indoor, has anyone tried the medical? If so, is it really as high in THC as it says it is? Thanks happy growing everyone. Here are our new pics as of this morning just as they woke up enjoy :)



Well-Known Member
Those look really good for only 15 days into flower. Mine barely showed sex by 15 days.

As far as the medical vs indoor, i have no idea. Id try a bunch of different strains, so when you build up a tolerance for one, you can switch to another.


Well-Known Member
Yea, if thats only 15 days of flowering you're doing great.
Mine are 11 days into flowering and still hasn't shown sex.


Well-Known Member
We got really lucky our's showed sex at 4 days :) We are unsure of the strain because they were gifts, but we were told they were fire. Thanks for the advice on the seeds our current grow was from clones. Do either of you have pics of ur plants?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I have pictures, and grow journals on my plants.

"12/12 from seed" and "is my plant dying, look"


Well-Known Member
how far along are your babies in to flowering now? and do you know your strain and to know what to expect from it?


Well-Known Member
Nice they look good how do u like using CFL? We were gonna go buy some an add them around the sides and keep our main MH. Do u think that they were a good investment?


Well-Known Member
so we are about to be in day 16 of flowering our 3 babies. were just starting to get crystal growth, and 7 fingered leaves on some flowers. The smell is subtle at this point, but growing every day:) The flowers are growing at a fast rate with pistils all over the place.

When do the nugs really start to fill out. and get gooey, dense, and yummy?
we cant wait for them to get really potent smelling and delicious.:joint:

we feel like our babies are very strong, they just got their first dose of molasses yesterday. Does anyone know when and if the effects of molasses become visible? We have heard it can cause denser nugs, more crystals, and sweet flavor. 3 things we definitely hope to accomplish.

Does anyone know of any organic/ or natural ways to enhance/clean the flavor of the bud so it tastes earthy and nice. ....not chemical and gross?

for instance like flushing with a certain something the last few weeks...etc....any advice would be appreciated:)


Active Member
So your at day 16, i would have to say your buds look incredible. You are doing very well. Depending on the strain you are growing...they should be done within 45 to 50 days....as far as potent sweet think buds they should be coming soon, in the next couple weeks or so....its important to not harvest early...late being the best. In the last 2 weeks before harvest flush out the plant with water and get the roots cleaned out of the plants last fertilizer it has in it to get the best taste...good luck keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
well here is pic of my plants still got 3 -4 weeks left and yes i love cfls at the moment and i have grown with hps and watt for watt cant see a difference seen as you can get them so much closer man these cfl's are big half my arm


Well-Known Member
Those look really good..where did you get those big ass cfl's??? I've looked everywhere in my area, and can't find anything over a 42w....it's pretty lame....mad props to your grow.