15 clones 1st time.


Well-Known Member
still doing fine, they like the warmth from the radiator.
the temp is aroud 80 to 90 in the dome.
is that ok, for clones?.
d.p clones 001.jpg

d.p clones 002.jpg

d.p clones 003.jpg

d.p clones 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
still no roots.
the clones looked ill yesterday.
so i gave them some superthrive.
now they seem better.
the clones like it on the windowsill, under the radiator, were it is warm.
clones 025.jpg

clones 024.jpg

clones 023.jpg



Well-Known Member
Thats the spot for them. I have just rooted my next generation, and bought one of those tall, skinny plastic "greenhouses" to go against a South facing wall (last grow cured and smoking)


Well-Known Member
Thats the spot for them. I have just rooted my next generation, and bought one of those tall, skinny plastic "greenhouses" to go against a South facing wall (last grow cured and smoking)
yes it is the spot, 4 of my d.poison, have started to root, think it was the heat from my radiator.
i will pot them on tommorow, cos they isnt much room for roots in my cloner.


Well-Known Member
every one of them have rooted, i had 21 all together.
gave 10 away, and kept 11.
out of my 11 rooted clones i have
2 pakistan valley
5 durbin poison
4 ice.
the 10 i got rid of were all d.poison, they are stavias and grow too big "outdoor strain really"./
i will grow the ice and paki valley indoor, and the d.poison for outdoor.


Well-Known Member
nice they rooted, looks like that spot may be good for cloning having the warm medium makes a big diffrence. You get the heat without having to plug anything in thats great!!!! Cant wait to see them grow into beautiful buds!!!!


Well-Known Member
i have only kept 5 clones"3ice and 2 paki valley" and 4 d.poison, for an outdoor grow.
out of the 2 lots of clones about 22 alltogether.
21 rooted.
most of the clones were d.poison and they take too long to grow indoors.12 weeks plus12/.12 even with a 600hps.
i put the 9 clones under the 250hps but it was too hot, so now they are under flos.
and are now perking up.
ill take pics tommorow.


Well-Known Member
if you can in the day put them on a windowsill over a radiatar, not on a radiator.
they love the heat, and start rooting looking for it.
i had 21 out of 22.