1480 co-op is bad news for Pts


Well-Known Member
DO not trust the owner of 1480 Co-OP in Tucson, He has Felony charges and thus cant hold a LEGAL MMj card of his own. ANY MEDS YOU BUY HERE ARE ILLEGAL per ADHS 36-2804.05. You are taking a chance with your freedom if you go to this place and buy meds from Edward. He sells bunk growing systems and laughs about it later when he was swindled a patient out of hard earned money.

Reasons to stayaway:
1) More illegal than ANY other Co-op(owner isnt apart of AZMMJ program, is just a street dealer with a store front)

2) If you get caught there, your Med cards WILL NOT protect you from prosecution.

3) You are buying black market buds not grown for medical use, not grown here in AZ. SUPPORT AZ GROWERS!

You can tell from the other reviews that its obvious the guy has anger issues... he has been removed from the broad of Az4Norml for being a crazy asshole that tries to fight anyone not bigger than him.

Google "Edward Lewentz" for info etc.

bad meds, bad attitude, bad vibes.
Find a home grower for some P2p action.
So you and him had a disagreement and it seemed like a good idea to come and put his info all over the net?

You sir, are a fucking Hypocrite and everything you hate in others is exactly what you are.


  • "You sir, are a fucking Hypocrite and everything you hate in others is exactly what you are."

    In this instance you are 1000000000% correct. But people like this put all the legal growers in jeopardy....

First of all Im not in Tuscon so my opinion doesn't really count, but just the way your message comes off, you can tell you had a disagreement with him and now you're pissy..
Second, You can have felonies and still possess an AZMMJ card, so quit spreading false rumors.. Hell you can be on Felony probation with U.A's and still have an AZMMJ card.
Not felonies for growing/distribution . Cant have a card then.

Regardless of our personal beef, he is a shady ass, violent person, and I just trying to look out for Tucson pts. Think of me what you will, im just trying to put the info out there to help.

Like when people blast alan sobel or whom ever... no difference. just putting out an alert of a scum bag in the business.
Not felonies for growing/distribution . Cant have a card then.

Regardless of our personal beef, he is a shady ass, violent person, and I just trying to look out for Tucson pts. Think of me what you will, im just trying to put the info out there to help.

Like when people blast alan sobel or whom ever... no difference. just putting out an alert of a scum bag in the business.

I don't think nothing bad of you. I was just stating exactly like your pm stated, you had some beef with him and now you want to put him on blast..
Someone doesn't attack you for no reason, You do have a tendency to pick fights, just saying :)
You can have an excluded felony and still hold a Patient Registry ID Card.
You just cannot have an excluded felony and hold a Caregiver Registry ID Card.
Dispensary Agents cannot have an excluded felony either...
The stipulation is that if a felon were to apply, the state needs to review the applicant's charges and deem if they are worthy to hold that position....
Felony marijuana cultivation is on the list of felonies i thought??? Nothing to do with selling or illegally growing MJ is allowed IIRC
Put it this way, if you have a felony and want to hold a position in the MMJ industry you will be required to undergo a AZDHS review, whatever that might entail I can only imagine...
The state is just now starting to revoke caregiver cards of individuals with excluded felonies, 2 yrs into the program.
Felons might be safe for a short period but once it comes to working for a dispensary, I would ask for AZDHS approval before hiring someone whit a criminal history.
Not to mention it is unbelievably easy/mandatory to do a background check on an employee who provides a ss # for a MMJ related job..
Regardless of how they interpret the law or how great these people (felons) claim to be it will not be worth the risk to hire anybody who potentially could have adverse effects on the longevity of your business because of some past infraction.

Its not business owners that need to be convinced, its the state..

(This does not got for patients)
I disagree - the letter of the law states that there are only a few excluded felonies and that is for “ownership” of the dispensary. If you would not hire a felon with a marijuana conviction then you would be a hypocrite - many of these "felons" are good people who simply got snitched on by FUCKING RATS! Our draconian Marijuana Laws have made criminals and felons out of a lot of good people in this country - many of these people could use a good break in life.

The law states nothing about your ability to hire a felon - that is 100% your prerogative, I hope that if you are ever in that position that you do the right thing.

Glass houses are not built to last...
Let me clarify, hiring a felon who is trying to skirt by the system in one way or another, is to what I am referring. (Dispensary Agent or other position wear a conviction matters.)
ESP. the ones who feel they do not need to answer to an AZDHS approval. (Believe it or not, they are out there.)
Recently, certain caregivers have had their rights revoked for trying to tip-toe around the rules/ avoid being noticed.
Took the state 2 yrs to realize this mishap and if it were a dispensary agent position, the risk would be on the dispensary for not doing their due diligence.

I do not think hiring felons in general is a bad thing whatsoever.
Depends on the position, the crime and extent of personal experience w/ said person...
No dispensary CPA should have been in prison for embezzlement IMO...
A Theft conviction might sway some minds as well...
Im sure there are some other obvious ones.

The law does have restrictions about dispensary agents and felonies, I did not make the employee position clear in my previous post...
You are correct, typical dispensary personnel i.e. CPA, bud tenders, trimmers etc. a conviction would not matter according to the state.
lets go back to original post about someone bangin the 1480 COOP here in tucson az. I do frequent the place and Ive become freinds w Ed, he owns the place. This place has always had topshelf meds and thrives to give the best deals in town and thats the bottom line. Play by the rules and dont act like a jerk and you will get red carpet service every time:)
lets go back to original post about someone bangin the 1480 COOP here in tucson az. I do frequent the place and Ive become freinds w Ed, he owns the place. This place has always had topshelf meds and thrives to give the best deals in town and thats the bottom line. Play by the rules and dont act like a jerk and you will get red carpet service every time:)

Alot of clubs have an atmosphere only inviting to certain folks...

Where are the clubs that respect and invite all patients for the greater good of Cannabis and not the deepening of their pockets... When you find one let me know.
Alot of clubs have an atmosphere only inviting to certain folks...

Where are the clubs that respect and invite all patients for the greater good of Cannabis and not the deepening of their pockets... When you find one let me know.

Why don't you start one. Sounds like you have it all figured out.