14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President


Well-Known Member
You still buy your care from private providers who still make all of the decisions, they're just limited by all of the new regulations put in place; You're trying to change the accepted difference between public and private.
So how do they make all the decisions, if they're just limited by regulations?

You can't have your cake and eat it too...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Funny how the GOP set up the crisis, did everything they could and can to sabotage President O'Bama and now are trying to be the saviors of America. Only, America has been paying attention for the first time in a long while. Everyone is aware of the complete bullshit coming from the Right.


Well-Known Member
Oddly enough I find myself agreeing with you. Rick Perry is another tool of the establishment, this "buzz" about him is media generated and will die out as soon as Perry tries to compete in a debate with the likes of true patriots like Cain, Paul, and arguably Gingrich. He'll be doing the same shit Romney is, stuttering for answer and dodging questions. I feel like the GOP debates are largley and twisted game of dodge ball.
Paul I can agree with, but Cain and Gingrich? Both of them will piss on the Constitution while telling you they're just rinsing the dust off...
Take a look at the Cain/Stossel interview and his justification of federal drug prohibition. Gingrich has plenty of unconstitutional legislation to look at from his prior congressional terms.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to see many valid reasons against Perry, so I'll be more than happy to contribute one against this GOP elitist (I could care less if he is evangelical, as long as he leaves his religious dictates out of my life - with that said I doubt he would.)

Here's the most glaring thing I've seen about him so far. Unfortunately not too many on the right will acknowledge how evil this truly is. I really expected to see this on the first page of this thread.

This case is why I will never support the death penalty in practice, although I still support the principal. Our justice system is simply too prone to errors to allow the use of the death penalty. After this case, I can see that Perry (and I suspect many other politicians and DA's) are not as concerned about seeing justice served, as they are using their conviction numbers as a fucking scoreboard.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to see many valid reasons against Perry, so I'll be more than happy to contribute one against this GOP elitist (I could care less if he is evangelical, as long as he leaves his religious dictates out of my life - with that said I doubt he would.)

Here's the most glaring thing I've seen about him so far. Unfortunately not too many on the right will acknowledge how evil this truly is. I really expected to see this on the first page of this thread.

This case is why I will never support the death penalty in practice, although I still support the principal. Our justice system is simply too prone to errors to allow the use of the death penalty. After this case, I can see that Perry (and I suspect many other politicians and DA's) are not as concerned about seeing justice served, as they are using their conviction numbers as a fucking scoreboard.
How about this?



Well-Known Member
How about this?
I'm not discounting that (definitely an idiotic statement made for political positioning), but those are just words... I'm referring more to action - such as the dismissal of the three Texas State Forensics Board members to stop to a hearing regarding a possible execution of an innocent man.

Politically speaking, Perry owes Bush when it comes to his governorship. Bush (both GWB and GHWB) went out of their way in the 90's to get Perry in office. Lt Gov of Texas runs separately from the governor (and strangely has more actual powers than the governor). Not sure if this is a repayment of some nature to the Bush's, but if Perry gets the nod from the GOP this will come back to haunt him next year, not just from the Dems but also from the Tea Party.

Something that's not being mentioned in the media yet... Texas had a little bit of a Tea Party moment back in the last governor's race. Perry almost got his ass whooped in the primary by a newcomer woman named Debra Medina - Kay Bailey Hutchinson was also running against him. Unfortunately, Medina's campaign tanked after she didn't have a straight answer for a 9/11 truther question. It's worth mentioning that she worked on Ron Paul's 2008 campaign. In short, Texans are sick of Perry...

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
4th...This standing POTUS represents Bush' 3rd term in regards to policy.
Yeah...and the next will represent the 4th, then the 5th, and so on and so on and so on because the problems are already known, choices have already been indentified, and a course of planned action is already underway. Nobody, not a damn one of us, wants to see this country "stray" from the course. That is what will bring you the "doomsday" type scenarios, not another Obama term in office.

On another note....


This article is about Rick Perry and one of his advisors that is a paid vocal supporter of an Iranian terrorist group...which shows how little this guy cares to understand the implications of the office he is running for. Touting the MeK as a viable Iranian solution to our diplomatic position is absolutely ridiculous and will only push the establishment and the "middle of the road" populace of the country against the US.

Do not vote for Rick Perry, he is a moron. Already, a geopolitical moron.


Well-Known Member
I should have my own column. I can pull shit out of my ass, too.
Are you a well respected nobel prize winning economist? No?

You may disagree but it doesn't make it any less true; Everything he said is backed by the data.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, Medina's campaign tanked after she didn't have a straight answer for a 9/11 truther question. It's worth mentioning that she worked on Ron Paul's 2008 campaign. In short, Texans are sick of Perry...
Medina was ambushed by Glen Beck, when she came on his show to discuss what she wanted to do as governor of Texas. When he asked her about her 9/11 beliefs, she said that there are many unanswered questions about what happened BUT that had NOTHING to do with the job of Texas governor.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Are you a well respected nobel prize winning economist? No?

You may disagree but it doesn't make it any less true. (hint: why dont you try attacking the material instead of the author)
I LIVED in Texas and just because Krugman says something does not make it true, either.


Well-Known Member
I LIVED in Texas and just because Krugman says something does not make it true, either.
I dont give a shit if you lived in Zambia, still doesn't mean Krugman is wrong; The data supports his position - which BTW, is the position most economists hold.

BTW, I really dont need Krugman to fight my battles for me here; I can keep posting graphs and charts all day long showing just how non existent Rick Perry's alleged job creation abilities really are. There's also evidence to suggest that what little economic success Texas has had has more to do with the decade long run up in crude oil prices than anything (also, Texas was sheilded in part from the housing bubble because of surprisingly tight financial regulations)

Texas also has one of the highest rates of jobs held at or near minumum wage, and they rank poorly in citizen health and education.

damn I really could go on all day...


Active Member
Perry just threatend to beat up the head of the federal reserve. Anybody who deals with issues through violence and/or the threat of violence is NOT worthy of being the president of anything other than the local Hells Angels chapter. Whats scarier is that he has no idea what the federal reserve is. He beleives it is under government control (which it is not it is a privately owned bank, which is a scam in itself but thats a whole nother thread).

Also according to him, the economy is lacking prayer, not jobs.

He lost the straw poll by many thousnad votes. Ron Paul lost by a couple of hundred. Yet CNN, FOX, MSNBC etc are all reporting that Bachman and Perry came out on top. I havent heard any of those media outlets say the name Ron Paul ever.


Well-Known Member
I woudl love a Perry vs Obama...almost better then Bachmann vs Obama...Damn Repukes can you even find a decent candidate


Well-Known Member
I hear that the GOP string pullers are so distraught over the Perry roll out that they have gone back to trying to talk Christie into the race. Problem is, Obama beats Christie in NJ.