14 Plants Killed - PLEASE READ - HELP!!!


Active Member
What can kill a plant in one day after it has come out the soil with a 3 foot fence around the pot. Please help! This is my only and last chance of the year to put out a few more seeds for my crop.

So this year in April 1st planted 9 plants. Some time in early May - 3 chopped in half - my best three huge promising plants, 2 left that were in a different area of the woods, and 4 others dead that were in the ground instead of pots. Early/Mid May - planted 5 more making it in all 7 plants. Late May - 4 of those plants dead after being only about half a foot tall at the most - and all had 2-3 foot high fences surrounding them. June 1st - moved all of my pots to the spot where I had my 2 surviving plants. Planted 6 more plants - 4 for good and 2 backups. Waited 3 days to go back to the spot and what the fuck do I get to see of my newly sprouted plants -- a mm of plant above the soil and a half-inch of root for every single one of them - only the ones I had just planted; somehow they can't eat my other 3 bigger plants - possibly because the beasts that killed the first 3 bigger plants was a rabbits or something of the like.

This is my only time I can plant again. Help me and tell me what is eating my plants and how I can stop them from devouring my infant cannabis.


Active Member
That might be what ate the first 3, but a deer can't get through to my plants, unless it had a 3 foot long head or could lift a fence and put it back down. I need to know what is killing these right now. Whatever it is it can get through 3"x1" holes in a fence and has the desire and timing to eat a 1 day old plant in the middle of the night and leave no traces.


Well-Known Member
My buddy was growing a plant outside and it was over a foot in a pot. He planted it into the ground and bugs devoured it in 2-3 days. I'd suggest some bug spray that doesn't harm plants. If an animal is eating it... i dunno. Maybe you can buy some 2X2 boards and make a framed box. Staple chicken wire around it and put it over your plants, but you'll have to make it tall enough for your plants...


Active Member
I'm germinating some more seeds today; they should be ready by tomorrow or the next day but I'm about to go check on my plants and see if anything happened to them.