14 days from seed, 12/12?

i have a question on what will happen if i switch from 18/6 to 12/12 when my plants are only 14 days old? I just topped two of them at the 4th node yesterday and want to start 12/12 even before the new growth appears, any takes on this? they are in dwc setups, 4 plants

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
unless your growing under cfls I wouldn't. Seeing as you topped I wouldn't either way. Let the plants recover from it or you will likely be unhappy with the results.


Well-Known Member
Go for it they will just end up shorter when your done. Give em some veg nutes for the first couple days to help em get over the topping then your off to flower time.
Go for it they will just end up shorter when your done. Give em some veg nutes for the first couple days to help em get over the topping then your off to flower time.
hell yea, thats what i was thinking would happen and im all for keeping them short so i can keep my light more even over the canopy and take clones 3-4 weeks into flowering from the aurora b and the afghan
hell yea, thats what i was thinking would happen and im all for keeping them short so i can keep my light more even over the canopy and take clones 3-4 weeks into flowering from the aurora b and the afghan

c'mon guys seriously, 38 views and only 2 replies? BUMP!! I know somebody on here has tried this before


Well-Known Member
when i do this sometimes the plants take longer to show flowering than a mature plant with alternating nodes does. IME i get the best results when changing the light cycle after the plants show alternating nodes. this only applies to plants from seed not clones.