14 day olds + Nutes = 18 day old beautys ( oh check my clone pls)


Well-Known Member
heya, well last tiem i posted , i had 14 days olds, they were struggling,

since then i gave them nutes @ quater strength and now.....

.. at 18 DAYS OLD they are getting along just fine, take a look

and can some one pls take a look at my purple pineapple clone pls, and tell me ( are these pistils ?) and dont pistils come out when its ready to flower ?

i got the clone off of a friend ffrom a female plant so.. is it meant to have pistils thsi early ?

i dont plan to start flowering till march 12th

the ch9 flowers are in the popup pictures below

and the clone is the massive large pictures
at the bottom of this post


