13x13 GrowRoom setup


Active Member
I have a 13x13 room that is totally available for a grow room.
I suppose Ill decide it into multiple rooms.

I have a 1000hps with a large horizontal reflector and lots of other materials,
I was just needing some advice on what kind of setup I should go for.

Any ideas welcome.

Ill post pictures of the room so far soon.
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Active Member
So i forgot to say that I have 4 babies that I started a few days ago, Ill have the exact dates up soon.

Pics. next!


Active Member
Okay so this is My 1000w Sunlight Supply HPS ballast and hood with the bulb in it.
Along with my 4x2 ebb and flow tray which Ill be using as soon as I get it all dialed in.
For now im just handwatering the plants like 3 times a day since they are
in Hydroton.

The other pictures are just of the rest of the room which needs lots of mods,
which is why I am asking for help.



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Well-Known Member
Well, since you only have one light and one ebb and flow table theres not much you can do at the moment. But if you got the money, buy another ebb and flow table, split the room into two sections and bust out a sea of green setting. For right now if I were you, get the plants growing and select out of them the mother. Now while those are in the veg stage, grow them up so that you can eventually pick clones. While they are growing set up the two rooms, one for mothers/clones/veg stage, the other for a veg room. I've done alot of research myself and I came up with my own grow room design. Take some hints from it yourself if you want. Its at https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/86493-4ft9in-x-2ft4in-x-6ft7in.html


Active Member
Yah thats what I was thinking or, just splitting it into 2 rooms.
One for veg. and the other for flower and just use a 430w HPS for the Veg room and maybe a few CFLS.

Im not really trying to spend much more since I've spent around $800 already,
I think I should have the equipment for a decent operation. right?


Well-Known Member
Really dude, the best place to answer alot of question is youtube. Sadly, its true. Search for a video called Mr. Green or I grow Chronic The guy takes you through all the steps of setting up a kickass sea of green grow room in a small room then yours even. Right now you've got plenty of stuff to get started most likely from what I've seen. Look at it like this. Plants need light, water, and air. If you have all three, you can grow bud. (water including nutes and stuff. :P) Anywho, you got the lights, you got the water, and you got the air. (maybe just a small fan to make sure air keeps circulating. You've got over a month with those babies before they capable of cloning. Enough time to set up anything else you might like to. But yeah, like I said, just watch this movie and take notes. It helps a shit ton and makes it alot easier (in my opinion.)
There are about 9 videos, and it is about an hour. So sit down with a bowl, a pen and pad, and prepared to learn! :P
YouTube - how to grow cannabis mr green #1


Active Member
Thanks dirtykid,
but I've watched it around 50 times lol
I;m trying to get some in put on how to use my room to its full potential, not just a bit of it.
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Active Member
OK so with some advice from a fellow grower on the site I am going to make a 6x8 room for flowering and the rest of the room will be used as a veg/clone site.

Ill probably get a 400w HPS for my mothers and just use a CFL setup for the clones.

Some work will being done today, hopefully ill get some pictures up.

Also has anyone else ever tried starting plants under a 1000w?
I think it may be to strong for seedlings?
Any advice is welcome.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't try starting seedlings under a 1000 watt hps. that's waaay too much heat for them. you would have to keep it at least 2.5-3 feet away, which would facilitate stretching because your light source would be too far away. you're better off going with something much less intense.

i've tried to start seedlings under my 600w hps, and it's hit or miss. i use some cfl's to get those seedlings started. you can keep them closer than a HID light, because they don't put out as much heat. the ability to have them closer means more intense light, which means a shorter plant. then, once they've gained a couple sets of leaves, i transfer them under my 600w and move it closer over a few days until it's just right.


Active Member
Yeah thats what I did,
I moved them into my old closet where I still had my CFL setup.
They were stretching like crazy under the HPS and deformed for some reason.

But they have been under the cfls for 2 days now and growing decently, cant wait to get them under the HPS though.

That Smell

Active Member
Forget the two room bullshit. You dont want to have to constantly move shit. Harvest constantly. Always have weed drying at your house and check on two or maybe three different nutrient solutions. You should do the whole room. This way day and night temperatures are correct. I would hang a curtain in the window cover the window with wood or cardboard. Mylar the shit out of the walls. Hang wood strips on the ceiling so the screws dont pull out of the drywall when you hang the light. Buy 4 air cooled 1000 watt MH HPS switchable balasts. Buy a 48 pot ebb and flow system and grow a massive harvest.

That Smell

Active Member
Although if you dont have a connect for clones and you are a from seed type of guy the 2 rooms makes a lot more sense. But if you can buy cheap quality clones from a reliable source fuck this room in a room bullshit.


Active Member
Well thats what I decided to do, I actually just put it into 1 big 8x8 room.
I didn't use the whole room because I have a few small cousins that run around the house.
And this way they can still open the door and all they could mess with is a vent tube or something.

But i'll have new pictures up tomorrow.
I'm actually still not using the room yet, I've got to pick up a window AC unit tomorrow to keep the room at 75 and even lower sometimes.
I've heard that even low temps. encourage slow growth they also promote closer nodes.
Figured I would try it since on my last grow the room was dropping to the 60's during the night and those were some bushy girls.

But I'm hoping by tomorrow night I can get the 6 babies I have under my 1000w and start some real growth.



Active Member
Okay so in the morning I go get my 12k BTU window AC unit and I will lead into the bottom of my room with one of the vents using 4" ducting.
Along with moving my 5 plants I have now over to the HPS,
hoping to see a lot of improvements?

They will be fed with the lucas formula, for anyone who doesn't know.
He uses, GH nutes.
The formula is 0-8-16,
under any HID light.

I think I may also go pick up a carbon filter at my local hydro,
or even make one.(seen some easy DIY's)
Even though smell itsn't a problem for me at all.
Just figured it couldn't hurt.
Maybe not even use it until late flower.

Sorry I'm rambling so much,
just excited to get some girls growing.
