13 weeks into flowering my sativa plants, how much longer?


Misguided Angel
And are you sure they have been actually flowering for 13 weeks? Even for a sativa they look about halfway through the flowering phase.
I moved them to 12/12 13 weeks ago, I'm using a custom built light setup with 30 150 watt cfl lights half bright day light half soft white. Started sexing the 14 days after the light switch. I do half dose Alaska 0-10-10 once a week. And one a month some orchid bloom booster. I started showing signs of nitro problems. So I used the orchid nutes.. I have had some complications throughout the grow, I accidentally doubled my nutes about a month ago and almost lost both plants, I flushed with spring water and waited.


Well-Known Member
Be patient, Sativas will take longer than Indicas.
If you only sexed them 14 days after the flip, then you really haven't been flowering for 13 weeks anyway.


Well-Known Member
Some pure strains found near the equator won't flower under 12/12 will need 11/13, it would be unlikely you came across some of those seeds tho, not sure.
I don't know why to be honest, I have been trying to figure it out. This was bag seed, I had no idea what I was getting into. I wish I would have just ordered seeds .. I would kill to be growing something easy like northern lights ..


Misguided Angel
Genetics play a huge part as well in any grow. CFL's don't add to the length of time it takes to flower, that is strain and environment dependant, just your harvest amount and bud density will be effected vs say a hps.
Bigger light? Hps? I really can't afford anymore with this project .. I just wanted some good smoke, I'm hoping to get 5 to 8 ounces out of 2 4 foot plants.. Reasonable?