13 days old, what am I doing wrong?


There's some rude people on this site.

Anyway... Someone mentioned that you should water every 3 days. There's no set amount of days that you should water. It all depends on the grow. What size pots you have, the temperature, the RH, how big your plants are, etc. You were on the right path when you were sticking your finger in the soil. Stick it in there an inch or two and see if the soil is still damp. If it is, give it another day or two. The leaves on your plant will start to droop when they are thirsty..... but they'll also droop if you give them too much water.

I like for my soil to dry almost completely out. To the point where the first inch or 2 is completely dry, with almost no moisture. Then flood the heck out of it. So if your in a 5 gallon pot, give it 5-10 gallons of water. That allows your roots to get some oxygen, just make sure to really flood it, otherwise you can develope dry spots.

And I cant see your prictures, maybe because Im new to this site and dont know how to work it, but if your plants have just sprouted or were just rooted, then take it easy on the nutes. I actually like to give nothing but tap water to them for the first week or two. I might throw in 1 or 2 feedings of 1/4 strength nutes, but I do it lightly. This makes your root grow bigger, because they start to grow out in search of nutrients. Once you have a solid and healthy root structure, your usually good to go.


dude your bottom leaves are burnt because the miracle grow is too hot for cannabis. do the research, nub.
A. Learn how to quote people.
B. That was caused by light burn, not nute burn
C. YOU do some research. MG is fine as long as you don't over water.
D. If you don't have anything to post to the OP then don't. Its obvious she had questions. Don't clog up the thread with your useless posts.

PS. Its "noob"...not NUB...

Drea24- Pictures are gonna clear up your question in a matter of minutes. Go get a photobucket account, upload the images to their site, and copy and paste here with the
Since I use MG the watering technique I've developed is not even feeling the soil. Just lift up your pot and feel how heavy it is. If it still feels like theres some moisture in the soil, wait. You've be able to tell what I'm talking about when you do it. When you lift it up and its super light. Wait 1 full day. Then saturate with water (until you get run-off). Repeat this process to get good results with them. :)


The picture you posted on page 1 looks burned. Not sure if its nute burn or from heat/lights. The other picture they dont look too bad. A little small but I think you should be ok. Just keep with the strict watering schedule and you should be fine :)
As far as nutrients, there should be plenty in the soil itself. You may have noticed some tiny yellow balls in the soil. Those are little nutrient packs that get released when you water. So really I wouldn't add anything unless you notice some sort of deficiency.
Oh and make sure and get some perlite. Its really cheap and will help out a lot with MG soil. I mix equal parts to ensure good drainage and aeration. :)


The picture you posted on page 1 looks burned. Not sure if its nute burn or from heat/lights. The other picture they dont look too bad. A little small but I think you should be ok. Just keep with the strict watering schedule and you should be fine :)
As far as nutrients, there should be plenty in the soil itself. You may have noticed some tiny yellow balls in the soil. Those are little nutrient packs that get released when you water. So really I wouldn't add anything unless you notice some sort of deficiency.
Oh and make sure and get some perlite. Its really cheap and will help out a lot with MG soil. I mix equal parts to ensure good drainage and aeration. :)
I haven't added any nutrients so I'm guessing it's the lights, I have them about an inch away, I thought that was a good distance?


I did too when I started this...I had the same issues you had at the beginning...pull the light back a little more. 2-3 inches is what I found works the best.