13/11 flowering?

aoR Monday

Active Member
ok so I noticed today after 2 weeksof flowering that bud is no where to be seen and it looks nothing like pictures I'veseen. are my plants not budding because I accidentally had my light set to 13/11?


Well-Known Member
when you say 13-11 do you mean it gets 13 hours of light or 13 hours of darkness? cannabis needs at least 12 hrs of darkness to trigger flowering. thats what tells the plants fall is coming and its time to start finishing up.


Or you have a light leak during dark times. Most likely the fact its not getting enough darkness. Switch to 13hours of darkness. Feed in during the first few hours of your lights being on and u will see great results.


Well-Known Member
dont swith to 11-13

go with 12-12, the more your plant can uptake in a day(1 more hr with 12-12) the better the flowering results.

aoR Monday

Active Member
well if y'all are right does that mean the four foot plant I have is still in veg? meaning it could double in size? if it still veg then its 3 months old


Well-Known Member
well if y'all are right does that mean the four foot plant I have is still in veg? meaning it could double in size? if it still veg then its 3 months old

yes im affraid that is the case. you better start familiarizng yourself with LST,(low stress training) its the tieing down of the plants branches. youd better start right away too.


New Member
I run 11 light and 13 dark have since the beginning of my career.. but not the other way around lol.