13/11 Flowering


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else done this before. I am doing 13 light, 11 dark. I have been flowering for 3 weeks and already have some foot long colas. If you are looking for a good experiment give it a shot.
i do the reverse, 11/13, gives me an extra hour if i can't get to my room in time to seal the room from light. ALso, plants produce bud in the dark


Well-Known Member
well ill be dammed thanks man +rep
ya anytime, marijuana requires a minimum of 8-10hrs of darkness to flower, you should buy one of ed roenthal's marijuana books... people just shouldn't talk if they dont know wtf they're talkin about... they just confuse people...


Well-Known Member
lazy people use google...just type "13 11 marijuana" you will have plenty of results to choose from, stay away from the forums, listent to the seedbanks and the scientific research sites... 13/11 will result in an increased yield and longer flowering time...11/13 will result in lower yield and shorter flowering time... they have reccomendations on days you should start those cycles if you wish to do so.

It does not say anything about trichome prodution increases or decreases or potency increases or decreases with either way(doesn't mean it isn't affected) Trichome production occurs mainly in the dark cycles

as someone else said earlier it does have a lot to do with the strain, some would do better with more light, some with more dark...and for most 12/12 would benefit most...

I just switched to 11/13 experience is the way to learn, wont harm me too much... next time I will do 13/11 towards the end...


Well-Known Member
I'm also doing 11/13 to increase the flowering speed as I will be moving in 2 months. I recently upgraded my grow lights from 6 fluorescent tubes to, a 400watt HPS from HTG supply. I've been flowering for 2 1/2 weeks, and am not impressed. My buds look small, fluffy, just awful. I don't know if I'm just impatient but the buds on the bottom are bigger than my top cola! WTF! I was expecting a huge improvment with the light upgrade. How far into flowering is that pic? Can some1 post some pics of thier plants 2- 3 weeks into flowering? I just want some reassurance that I just wasted $ on a light that doesn't give me better results than fluorescents? Sigh...


Active Member
13/11 will have nothing to do with your buds being a foot long. More often than not you just grew them properly and have a STRAIN that grows big A$$ buds. They may get a bit denser perhaps with the extra hour of light, maybe even stretch SLIGHTLY more, but the extra hour IS NOT the reason your buds are a foot long.


i always thought that the bud grew in night/dark and in another thread on this site somewhere i got chewed out by a guy for correcting him when he said he went 13-11 then 14-10. but he was really going 11-13 to 10-14 giving the plants a longer dark period becasue according to him the bud grew in the dark and the longer the dark period the more growth.


Active Member
I'm also doing 11/13 to increase the flowering speed as I will be moving in 2 months. I recently upgraded my grow lights from 6 fluorescent tubes to, a 400watt HPS from HTG supply. I've been flowering for 2 1/2 weeks, and am not impressed. My buds look small, fluffy, just awful. I don't know if I'm just impatient but the buds on the bottom are bigger than my top cola! WTF! I was expecting a huge improvment with the light upgrade. How far into flowering is that pic? Can some1 post some pics of thier plants 2- 3 weeks into flowering? I just want some reassurance that I just wasted $ on a light that doesn't give me better results than fluorescents? Sigh...
Here are some pic's of my girls 12th day of 12/12 1,000 watt HPS. You can always throw those fluorescent in your grow room as well give them some more light that would help. :peace:


stink hole

Active Member
i have herd of people doing 13/11.......but i am not sure if it makes that big of a difference it makes but an extra hour of light means an extra hour of growing makes sense....get them pics up we all want to see them......


Active Member
I still have an old high times mag from the mid 90's that has an article about running 8on 12 off(18 hr cycles). A bloke named "Dank Diggler" wrote it and he claimed his ladies finished a couple weeks earlier on average, but didn't really comment on size comparisons. His theory was plants outside rarely get more than 6hrs or so of direct sunlight and still thrive, so why not cut the lighting hrs inside and see what happens. He was growing superskunk and was quite pleased with the results.

Personally I think this sort of thing would be interesting particulary with SOG growing or growing in height restricted spaces.

This finding does make sense when comparing it to the opposite end of the spectrum with more than 12 hrs of light cycles. More light hrs means bigger buds but slower flowering and less than 12hrs light speeds up flowering and produces smaller plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanx NWGREEN. Could you put up some pics of the whole plant? Ya know, I always wondered how cannabis grows in Alaska? I know, temperature, but what about the offset light schedules? 1- 2 months of continuous sunlight. How do plants flower? Also, is their a strain that does exceptionally well in a cold climate?


Well-Known Member
ive been using 12/12 with my first plant for about 2 weeks, i swapped to 13/11 last nite thinking it would help it more, then today i found this thread so now i know im not alone...but towards then end im gonna swap it around toe 11/13 or maybe 10/14 as ive read in the previous posts it will help increase THC. hope it does

Brick Top

New Member
i always thought that the bud grew in night/dark and in another thread on this site somewhere i got chewed out by a guy for correcting him when he said he went 13-11 then 14-10. but he was really going 11-13 to 10-14 giving the plants a longer dark period becasue according to him the bud grew in the dark and the longer the dark period the more growth.

During the hours of light plants multitask, they perform all their functions at once while they are taking in the maximum amount of energy. Even taking in the maximum amount of energy only a small amount of energy can be allocated for each function.
During hours of darkness plants run on stored energy and they stop multitasking and put all their energy into just a few vital functions and growth and THC production are two of them. Plants grow more efficiently during hours of darkness and they produce the maximum amount of THC during hours of darkness, when by the way there is no ongoing degradation of THC from light rays.
That is why I could never believe in the 24/0 light cycle for vegging because you take away the hours of most efficient growth and replace them with an equal number of hours of less efficient growth.

The same holds true for the lighting cycles to extend hours of light during flower and still give 12 hour periods of darkness to try to get more growth and THC production. Again you are only cutting back on the hours of the most efficient most growth and THC production and replacing them with the same number of hours of less efficient growth and production.
Neither make any sense to me.