12'x24' grow room design help!

Well.....basically i have a room thats 12'x24' and have about 6k to spend. I would like to stay with the ebb and grow system. I was thinking of using that controller that switches the ballasts power between to fllowering rooms to keep the wattage down. I am also stuck between 400w and 600w ballasts to use. What would be better to use? If anyone could help me out it would be nice. ( ballasts, reflectors and ventilation and timers)


Well-Known Member
600 watters are the most efficient watts to lumen out put from what i have heard so it would probably be best to go with them, i would really recommend eBay for your equipment they have some great prices and will really help you to stretch your money. As far as reflectors go i would definitely go with air cooled you are going to be producing a lot of heat with all that lighting and it would be best to get rid of most of it before it escapes into your room, it would probably be best to run two ventilation tracts an unfiltered tract just for your lighting and a filtered one for ventilation.

Also don't forget to budget for the electrical work that will need to be done.
what do you think the best method would be.(scrog,sog)? maybe stick with flipping them when they are 12-18"? I have been using the yeild master 2 classic 6" and have had no complaints. I think i will just stick to them. Thanks for the help!!!


Well-Known Member
Damn, i wish i had your problem! lololol! Thats awesome, 12x24, thats huge! Unless you already have a room for veg, clones, and mothers, i would consider dividing that up. Maybe like a 12x12 flower, 8x12 veg, and a 4x12 for keeping a few mothers and starting clones. in the 12x12 flower youll need about 4-1000w's or 6-600w's, (1000w covers about 36sq ft and a 600 covers about 25sq ft). in the 8x12 veg youll need 2-1000w's with a 600 in between, and i would probably just use 2 8bulb 4ft T5's in the clone mother room. If you already have veg and mom rooms and are just planning a 12x24 flower room, just hang 8 1000w's. I really dont think you want to waste your money on 400w's, you'd need 18-20 of them to cover your floor space.. I also hope you have a few years growing under your belt, this is going to be a big setup and require alot of your time. i would like to also recommend going on youtube and watching tons of vids to see how others are doing it and if you like what they have. maybe search subcool420 or helpful grower or farmerjohn fourtwenty. they all have nice growroom setups and i know on subcool's "the weed nerd" videos he goes out and visits a few other indoor gardens. good luck and keep us up to date as to what you decide to build. i know im looking forward to it. peace
Thanks jaibyrd7! I am goin with the 1000s. And i am thinking of dividing the room. What u suggested sound pretty good. I have been doing indoor for 2 years on and off. i really only have four harvest under my belt. I just got to parinoid acouple times and ended up ditching the plants. And then stopped for like 6 months. I was thinking that the 12x24 room is a lil overboard. So i will end up dividing it. I was looking at the watts and just trying to get a real picture of how much juice that room would eat up. I had a well know grower say 1000s with the wing sheilds that are adjustible. And that way i wouldnt have to run two diff venting systems and could just stick with one big one for the flowering room for heat and smell. it will be set up within the next two months. But i will throw a pic up tomorrow night of my ww and pe. Thanks again for you help and time. Keep it burning and dont forget to vote!


Well-Known Member
You could do that with the adjust a wing hoods, but what happens if you get every thing in there, spend your entire budget and find out you have major heat issues? I wouldn't risk it air cooled hoods would remove all of the heat from the lights accept for the radiant energy and when you have that many 1000 watt lights that is a lot of heat... I really don't see what the big deal is about running a second duct system its $100 for a fan and a few bucks for some duct that's a pretty good deal when you consider how much trouble it could save you, if you decide not to go with air cooled hoods i would at least budget for an A/C in case you need it.


Active Member
Since winter is around the corner sometimes the heat can be taken care of by just venting in a little bit of that super cold outside air.. as long as your area has super cold outside air lol