128 lbs per harvest?


Well-Known Member
Ah is someone mad?
It's obviously your first time growing. Don't go big, you'll get disappointed. Don't read what you ought to yield, you won't come close. Don't waste a shit ton of money on the most expensive crap, it doesn't make a difference for a starter. You should find out what medium you prefer, and start small with that. Only go big once you've made enough money off of your grow to afford it.


Active Member
Hey Mental91, I find your use of the N word on this site to be complete bullshit. Why you gotta go there bro? You come here looking for help and than when you get a real response from someone who is keeping it real you go 1969 civil rights. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!!!

kevin murphy

New Member
did i hear right 128llbs ill pay u 30k rite now to cum set me up and grow me 128llbs serious lol..but that would be a dream i reckon..


Well-Known Member

Gonna need more like 60,000 watts not 2,000. You're in big boy territory here and way over your head. BTW calling people nigger is a good way to get ignored. I suggest you lighten up and take people's advice a little more seriously. He's right, if you're too lazy or stupid to build your own setup, you will never have a great yielding garden.


Well-Known Member

Gonna need more like 60,000 watts not 2,000. You're in big boy territory here and way over your head. BTW calling people nigger is a good way to get ignored. I suggest you lighten up and take people's advice a little more seriously. He's right, if you're too lazy or stupid to build your own setup, you will never have a great yielding garden.
totally off track here, but you just helped me name my garden...EDEN. thank you...

yeah i agree with banditt, youll need a TON of lights for 128 pounds. Start small and work your way up. If you are handy with tools DIY it. If you build, they will grow. (read that here once upon a time).


Active Member
I started with only 1- 400 watt hps and worked my way up also
I tried to send PM but your box is full. I have a 3 x 4 x 7 closet. What could I do with it? Thanks man I don't mean to offend it just seems like you can never get a straight answer with weed grows.


Well-Known Member
I tried to send PM but your box is full. I have a 3 x 4 x 7 closet. What could I do with it? Thanks man I don't mean to offend it just seems like you can never get a straight answer with weed grows.
its not that you cant get a straight answer, its that everyone is set in their own ways. Gotta do what you feel is best for you.