125 cfl/ 150 hps


ok so i bought a 125 watt cfl w/ reflecto and also a 150 hps wit reflector. my area will not get to hot so thats not what im worried about. I am not really tht worried about the electric bill that muche either. I just want to get the buggest and best plant. Some people say sprout and veg with cfl and then add hps, while others say to use both throughout(except juss use cfl for sprouting)...WHAT SHOULD I DO FOR THE BEST PLANTS???


On my first grow I used a 400 watt hps all the way through and I noticed that they did stretch way too much cause of it which did decrease my yield since most of the bottom of the plant didn't recieve enough light intensity. I recently bought a 200 watt cfl for veg and it is working alot better by keeping my girls short and bushy. I haven't tried using cfls as side lighting with my hps but I imagine it would be alot better than just hps alone.