
hi guys,
has anybody used a single 120w LED to flower a couple of plants? if so or similar, how successful was it?


Well-Known Member
I would highly sugest against it unless that is all you have, it would of been a better idea to save the money that the 120 watt led costed and instead bought an 400w HPS


im currently using a 90w led to grow 1 auto northern lights and the buds seems to be getting pretty good. (i know its not 120w but just thought id mention it)

Green Troll

Active Member
Pretty good = personal use yield? or pretty good = 4 ounces "i-can't-believe-it's-not-HID?"

Lets face it, if LED's were as good as HID's, we would all be using them, we would all say HID's are a waste of electric and YAY LED all the way! But we aren't. And there is a good reason. LED's are sub-standard. Not totally useless, but certainly not professional level, regardless of the fancy youtube videos you see saying how great they are.

Wanna grow your own without a huge hit on the electric bill? Go for it. Want to yield the sort of weights that will keep your eyes red for a month? No chance.

Simply put, depends how serious you are.


Well-Known Member
Pretty good = personal use yield? or pretty good = 4 ounces "i-can't-believe-it's-not-HID?"

Lets face it, if LED's were as good as HID's, we would all be using them, we would all say HID's are a waste of electric and YAY LED all the way! But we aren't. And there is a good reason. LED's are sub-standard. Not totally useless, but certainly not professional level, regardless of the fancy youtube videos you see saying how great they are.

Wanna grow your own without a huge hit on the electric bill? Go for it. Want to yield the sort of weights that will keep your eyes red for a month? No chance.

Simply put, depends how serious you are.
what up troll master flex , im here to fuck your day up :D come by my thread and tell me that my plants dont look on par or better than a 600w hps i dares ya! haha jokes aside there are leds out there that are able to match or even beat hps or mh , but this is not the key for me im not a thisvsthis kinda guy i always say whatever works best for you is whats best. basically all ya gotta do is take your time and do your research before buying an led panel there is alot of crap out there thats for sure but ive used a few panels in the past (including a 120w unit , ill get to that in a sec) that have treated me well but these panels i got from viparled are the real deal , ive grown with 600w hps lights before and the growth im getting even now in flower are equal or better than results ive seen before. im calling you out green troll come y my thread check it out and stick around for a bit to see it finish up , i bet you will be suprised man :D not hating on you or calling you stupid or nothing like that just thought i would inform you that leds can grow like hps or mh at this point in time.

@ carlOZ , i have used a "120w" chinese led panel for flower before and had pretty good results , i was growing og kush 12/12 from seed so might be kinda hard to gauge but i grew like 40something grams off the "120w"(67w actual draw) so if ya go by true wattage most 120w panels run at about 65-80w or so as the leds dont run at full capacity. so 67w light grew 40 some odd grams ...... not to shabby in my books just dont look for mad penetration or spread from this thing , maybe 2x2 feet max! and thats if its a decent panel.

Green Troll

Active Member
what up troll master flex , im here to fuck your day up :D come by my thread and tell me that my plants dont look on par or better than a 600w hps i dares ya! haha jokes aside there are leds out there that are able to match or even beat hps or mh , but this is not the key for me im not a thisvsthis kinda guy i always say whatever works best for you is whats best. basically all ya gotta do is take your time and do your research before buying an led panel there is alot of crap out there thats for sure but ive used a few panels in the past (including a 120w unit , ill get to that in a sec) that have treated me well but these panels i got from viparled are the real deal , ive grown with 600w hps lights before and the growth im getting even now in flower are equal or better than results ive seen before. im calling you out green troll come y my thread check it out and stick around for a bit to see it finish up , i bet you will be suprised man :D not hating on you or calling you stupid or nothing like that just thought i would inform you that leds can grow like hps or mh at this point in time.
Fair play, just regurgitating what i have looked into, and trust me, LED's were my first choice (low heat, low power consumption, why not?) until i read countless comments and reviews saying they simply dont produce the yields that more traditional methods do. But i do ask, why, if they are so good, dont we all have them? Why do HIDs still get used? It cant be because of initial start up cost alone (i have seen some of those UFO's are very pricey) as surely the reduction in electric usage would soon offset that.

Not saying you are wrong, not by a long shot, just saying, educate me. I would love to see some heavy yields from an LED set up. Would certainly make me re-think using them.


Well-Known Member
hey budddy glad to see ya have an open mind about leds :D , the main reason people dont use them is yes they are still pretty new compared to hps and most people dont trust them let alone know about them at all , but things will change big time coming up in the future my friend as in my opinion hps mh and other hid lighting is on its way out seeing as most governements have already put bans in place on iincandesent lighting well hps is just a bigger version of that and not to mention much more dangerous in the wrong hands , i think in the no so ffar away future most people will be using leds and or plasma or some kind of lighting that hasnt been invented or fully tested yet. like i say glad to see ya keep your mind open on the subject and like i say come by the thread and see how things turn out only day 20 right now but things are moving fast :D cheers and happy 420 too all.


Hi I have a prakasa 120w led light, I had never tried growing before but when some 5ish yearold seeds that came in some weed started to grow (i thought id try planting them before i threw them in the bin) I ordered the light it turned up quick and seems to work wellim they seems a bit behind what I'd expect looking at peoples grow diaries).
Concidering I have messed up every stage and am still quite clueless I'm shocked they are still alive, they had nutrient difficencies then nute burn I left it too long before reporting so had to damage the roots on all the plants and had spidermite but caught it early. Even afte r all that they are covered in cristals and I'll be surprised if I get less than 4oz from six plants( I know its too many for the light but I thought when the males showed I could thin it down to less plants but they all turned out female so I left it crowded as its all a bit of an expiriment.) Most people will say 4oz is nothing but the light cost me less than 1 oz and I bet I could get a lot more with practice. I'm not saying that I reccomend prakasa as this is my first try ever so I'm not the one to judge but it does work. If I have another go I'll try another make with more power just to see what others are like and I'd add a cfl for a bit of extra light and heat as I found the soil stays wet for a long time and the temps are only averaging 18c


Forgot to mention that the prakasa is quite noisy its in a wardrobe in the spare bedroom and you can hear it on the landing with the door shut and brick walls not thin plasterboard but again I can't judge this too harshly as I have read they are all noisy and I haven't heard other makes for all I know it could be quite quiet compared to the rest


Well-Known Member
very cool man thanks for sharing :D, 4 oz aint bad at all man i got under two using my first led light ... it was only 67w but still i was happy and ya i only paid like 140$ for it i think so two oz return is great in my books .... never had a good chance to try and hone in my skills with that panel moved on to biggger ones ... that little guy is in my veg tent now :D