1200w Super Lemon Haze and LSD

man brother i knew you could do it it was just a matter of time. But were not out of the woods yet ima need you to grow more fuck all these cake ass friendly ass whiteboyz on this shit this and dvieght go suck a dick nothing personal just funny


Active Member
man brother i knew you could do it it was just a matter of time. But were not out of the woods yet ima need you to grow more fuck all these cake ass friendly ass whiteboyz on this shit this and dvieght go suck a dick nothing personal just funny
No offense to timmy cuz hes a chill dude, But the people on this sight who you are insulting are the only reason his plants are growin. chill out with your shit talkin. Dveight and others have spent alot of time and effort helping your bro, so have some respect.


Active Member
man brother i knew you could do it it was just a matter of time. But were not out of the woods yet ima need you to grow more fuck all these cake ass friendly ass whiteboyz on this shit this and dvieght go suck a dick nothing personal just funny
better be careful runnin yo mouth or this friendly ass whiteboi is gonna have to cake a bitch

haha just playin

Did you say you were getting effed off the c02 hooch? are you serious you can drink that shit?


Active Member
Damn bro now i dont know shit about wats goin on but it looks rich you got this brother
man brother i knew you could do it it was just a matter of time. But were not out of the woods yet ima need you to grow more fuck all these cake ass friendly ass whiteboyz on this shit this and dvieght go suck a dick nothing personal just funny
chill bro,, these white peeps helpin my grow game nigga:joint:


Active Member
better be careful runnin yo mouth or this friendly ass whiteboi is gonna have to cake a bitch

haha just playin

Did you say you were getting effed off the c02 hooch? are you serious you can drink that shit?
hhahaha,, ya bro,, just put 2 cups sugar alot of 2 apples or oranges 2 tsp yeast and warm water wit tha bubble airlock, n a 2 liter bottle nd n 2 weeks u got u some MD 20/20:D


Active Member
No offense to timmy cuz hes a chill dude, But the people on this sight who you are insulting are the only reason his plants are growin. chill out with your shit talkin. Dveight and others have spent alot of time and effort helping your bro, so have some respect.
tol u hes crazy,, i got em tho:D

hol on tho bros, im still fucked up m tryin to work up tha strenghth to take some pics of my bitches:joint:


Active Member
man brother i knew you could do it it was just a matter of time. But were not out of the woods yet ima need you to grow more fuck all these cake ass friendly ass whiteboyz on this shit this and dvieght go suck a dick nothing personal just funny
hahahahahaha,, that was funny as fuck as tho,,
and dvieght go suck a dick nothing personal just funny
,, hahahahahaha non offense dvieght


Active Member
hhahaha,, ya bro,, just put 2 cups sugar alot of 2 apples or oranges 2 tsp yeast and warm water wit tha bubble airlock, n a 2 liter bottle nd n 2 weeks u got u some MD 20/20:D
ROFL man that is some broke ass shit to do, but hey get yo fade on however you can lmao!


Active Member
aight let me mix up a batch of some pHed water and ill take pics after i water them a lil.

ahhhhhhhhhhhh,, im soberin up tho ramen noodles and a shit load of water:D


Active Member
I gotz these new buckets thats all foiled up cuz tha other ones was growin algea and i put tha CFLs closer to tha plants nd they aint burnin,, they like 1" away,, so they cool:)

Tha old 2 SLH and 1 LSD

They look aight,, them nutes really hurt em, they growin slow as fuck. only that 1rst pic of one of tha SLH is lookin big n healthy

Tha new seedlings,, 2 SLH snd 2 LSD

Tha first one that popped stretched a lot,, but now its doin better when i lowerd tha lights,, in 4 days from puttin tha seeds in tha rockwool,, they doin pretty good,, i think.

Anywayz im tired as shit, goin to sleep
