1200w 4x4 hydrohut!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ehh i dont think it really matters...just trying to show ppl that there legit and not to be worried to place an order with them...

Thanks for all the comments guys!


New Member
I was just saying that the seed company's might not like how they're sending the beans shown around. That's all.


Well-Known Member
i know what u ment dude,its cool....i dunno if i even mentioned where i got them from?

EDIT: deleted the post just incase! :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah typically you shouldn't do that Gnome. Not trying to get on your case. Cause anyone who thinks that it's beyond the thoughts of any "organization" to order seeds for themselves to figure out how a company ships them...you are kidding yourselves.

Still, may not want to do that in the future bro. I know Breedbay has a strict "dont tell" policy on their shipping methods. I figure that's probably pretty standard all around. Like I said though, not hard for anyone else to just order a pack themselves to figure it out....


Scored on a free T-shirt too..lmao!


Well-Known Member
opend my tent today when i got home from work to check on the ladies and got blasted in the face with the strongest sweetest weed smell ive ever smelled in my life!!! :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Gnome they are looking great! How do you think it would do with 1 - 1000 HPS and 2 4 bulb 4 foot T5 on the sides?


Well-Known Member
i cant tell u a legit answer cause i never ran a 1000w.. but i would assume a 1000w would run a lil too hot for my likeings..


Well-Known Member
nope..600w bulbs run waaaaaay cooler than 1000's from what ive been told!
I would think that 2 would at least equal a 1000w? IDK though, I know that a 600w produces about 3.5k BTU's an hour if that helps anyone figure it out. So 2 600's would be around 7k BTU's/hr (roughly).


Well-Known Member
i dunno how to really look at this though..cause with 600s u can get the lights way closer!..so if it was judged on how hot do 2 600w lights run at 1-2 feet away and how hot would a 1000w run at 1-2 feet away..i think the 600s would be cooler for some reason..lol


Well-Known Member
ive ran a 1000 watt and two 600watts...and gnome grown is right IMO. the two 600s run waaaaay cooler and can be put alot closer..and cover the area alot better too.


Well-Known Member
just a bunch of random pics again in no order..u can tell the diff. in the mothers though the purps is starting to get really pruple and i havnt even droped night temps yet!




New Member
All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those are some EPIC plants/pics man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd give ya a rep but gotta spred out more still