12 days of 12/12..male? female? or too early?


Active Member
ok guys,

I've been on 12/12 for 12 days now and four of five plants have not showed sex yet, but I do have one girl!! Two of the four were vegged for 3 weeks(the female was 3 as well) and the other two were vegged for 2 weeks.. From the pics are they male, female or is it too early to tell? I'm growing in soil (ffof) using BMO nutes.. As for lights I'm using four 23w (2700k) and two 23w (5500k)..Temps have been around 75-85F and humidity has been 40-50%.. The pic with the small lower fan leaves is my female, which i started to LST to try and get some light down there.. What's going on with the girl?



New Member
depending on how long you vegged they may not be flowering yet. Another way to induce fall is to drop the temp a few degrees. didn't see any pistils but it does look like there are males in there.


Active Member
its definitely too early, i buy fem seeds and when they start to flower the bud comes in just like that a week or so before the hairs show up so just be patient cause even if it is a boy you still have plenty of time to see that more clearly before the pods open.


Active Member
its definitely too early, i buy fem seeds and when they start to flower the bud comes in just like that a week or so before the hairs show up so just be patient cause even if it is a boy you still have plenty of time to see that more clearly before the pods open.
I will definitely wait a littler longer.. How much longer should I wait? Any ideas on what's happening to the girl?


Active Member
update...so pic one and five ended up showing some little white sexy hairs!! that's 3 out of 5 that are girls and I'm waiting on the other two right now..
