12 day old seedling is bad help


Hi guys looking for little help with this plant IMG_20131227_125242.jpgIMG_20131227_125259.jpgIMG_20131227_125302.jpgIMG_20131227_125311.jpgafter messing up buying wrong carbon filter size and fan, i had to put my cuttings and 3 seeds i germed in my 1.2x1.2x2.0 meter tent the cuttings are in a heated propargator,my seedlings all germed at different times are in there own pots now the pics are of my 12 day old seedling it is coco soil and i sprinkled sharp sand on top as was told it would stop pests i did make up a mild mix of formulex in water approx 1mil to 2 litre of water and have been spraying that seedling with it buit a couple days ago i noticed yellow lines appearing on leaves so started with water only then today i find this also i have noticed that the roots are starting to appear at the bottom of the pot so have been watering the tray its in so roots can drink please help

i have only a 125 watt cfl bulb in my tent which is on for 24 hours a day the heat always around 70s and humidity in tent is at 65 the only other lights i have are 600s in cooltubes which is too much for thease i am trying to get a 250watt bulb at minute please can some 1 tell me what i have done wrong thease are some pics of the others in tentIMG_20131227_142652.jpgIMG_20131227_142657.jpgIMG_20131227_142702.jpgIMG_20131227_142705.jpg

thanks for any help i really wanna fix my seedling but something tells me it may be too late thanks


Well-Known Member
dont spray or feed any nutrients for the 1st 2-3 weeks the plant is too small and cant handle it, most mediums come with a little fert in them so this will do ur plant thru the 1st cpl weeks, try just watering for the nxt week and they should hopefully perk up, the damaged leaves wont get better but new growth shud be nice and green


hey bud on 2 of them roots popping out the bottom does this mean i should put them in new pots or should i resolve this issue 1st thanks m8


Well-Known Member
Wow man, you got alot goin on over there. Coco, rockwool cubes, dirt with pearlite, dirt with sand....and the post kinda reads like stereo instructions.
I think watering the tray is probably whats killing it. Your probably drowning it because it has to suck water up rather than...well whatever, just water from the top and make sure your letting them dry out between waterings or they droop.
The other thing it may be is the bugs. You say somthing about stopping pests. Do you have fungus gnats? Mites? Cause mites yellow up the leaves pretty fast. Id guess one of those two things. Good luck. :):):)


1st time bud in soil and have hydro aswell which is running sweet but i used clones from a friend then. this time i bought seeds and wanted to get a good mother to keep
Take my words bro
TRANSPLANT asap to a bigger pot and stop feeding and you will see a quick improvement, be careful when you transplant to prevent shock