12 day old plant acting crazy.


New Member

I have a 12 day old BF LSD that seems to be spouting new sprouts all over the pot it is growing in. At day 8 a sprout popped up about four inches from the 8 day old main sprout, so I went to pull it out and I almost ripped my main sprout out. So I just cut off the other sprout. Now it is day 12 and this morning I noticed (2) more sprouts have popped out and they to are attached to my 12 day old plants root system. Should I just kill the plant and focus on my other babies, or just keep cutting off the other sprouts, and let the main sprout continue to grow. Also this plant looks nothing like the other (3) 12 day old BF LSD I have. The others I have a little longer thinner leaves but are only 1/3 the size of the one that is popping sprouts out all over the pot that it is in. I have never seen a plant do this, so I am completely lost as to why it keeps doing it! Is it to much light, yeah I know that sounds stupid, but I am totally confused by this plants craziness! I will put a picture up within the hour.


added picture, sorry I don't right now have a good camera, so it's the best I can do for now.


Warm Regards
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Wait are you saying other seedlings have sprouted in the same pot? How many seeds have you popped in the one pot? If you've only popped one seedling then that's the plant dude stop killing it . If not post pics
Wait are you saying other seedlings have sprouted in the same pot? How many seeds have you popped in the one pot? If you've only popped one seedling then that's the plant dude stop killing it . If not post pics

It's just a one seed pot. This plant is only 12 days old and as of right now, it has popped (3) sprouts, one I pulled a few days ago, and now this morning there are two new ones. If I remove the soil around them you can see a tiny root stuck to the center of the bottom of the sprout, it's round, and the inside of that round area is dark brown, with a white center that the root is attached to, then around the outside of that round area you can see hundreds of tiny roots going in a reverse C direction, towards the root that sprung the sprout. The bottom of each sprout looks like a baby water lily's root system. It's weird!
From the pic looks like youve somethibg else already present in the medium unless you've popped multiple seeds.what soil are you using n was she left exposed to the elements?