12 and 12


is it weeks of 12 and 12, or is it weeks of actual flowers/ ciluxs when measuring weeks of time before harvest? ....not talking trichs



Well-Known Member
i count when it starts flowering.. not when you first go on 12/12/

so for me I went 12/12 on 1/2/11 but have been in flower since 1/11/11


Just harvested larry lemons and thought I was bieng patient by doing 12/12 for 67 days. I did darkness for about 30 hours before I chopped them and was suprised to see more clear trichimes then I thought.

Theyve been drying now for a few days and it seems like the trichs have improved some(small ones seem to have amber and big ones cloudy/clear)

Hopping they are stoney, but I guess ill go with actual flowers for next times week count