12/12 Light Cycle and Growing From Seed

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
Originally Posted by sens1
I've never tryed punching you in the face either, but I'm damn sure it would feel great... It's call analytical reasoning, logic, general experience and educated guesswork. we basically said the same thing anyway, you just sugur coated your post with the word 'quaility' whereas I was more honest with the word 'sickly'. blacklisted ahahahahh
Or I am more honest because I have done 12/12 grows, put it on 24/7 for about 8-10 days, then give it the 12/12. Depending on what kind of light you have you can produce 2-3 g's to 7-10.. probably more depending on the kind of light...I'm not claiming to have produced oz's on 12/12 but I used only a couple 26W cfls over it and grew some DIIIIZAAANK. I just threw it in with my other ladies because I was planning on throwing them in flower..

You friend... are a douche bag.
Oh good ! , I thought it was just me........:spew:


Well-Known Member
Set up a seperate grow space to keep a mother plant under 18/6 or 24 hour light, then you can take clones and put them in 12/12 as soon as they take root. The clones can be in the same area as your mother until it is time for flower. The mother does not need to be big and she doesnt need a lot of light to keep her growing clone sites. So your mother/clone room can be a box with flourescents in it and a couple computer fans for intake and exhaust. It is simple and a small box for the mum and clones wont cost much to set up. This kind of growing will also ensure u a harvest all year round if done right. Take a certain amount of clones once a month and u will end up with a certain number of plants harvested every month, more clones in different maturity the more frequent your harvest. This is SOG style growing.:blsmoke:

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
Set up a seperate grow space to keep a mother plant under 18/6 or 24 hour light, then you can take clones and put them in 12/12 as soon as they take root. The clones can be in the same area as your mother until it is time for flower. The mother does not need to be big and she doesnt need a lot of light to keep her growing clone sites. So your mother/clone room can be a box with flourescents in it and a couple computer fans for intake and exhaust. It is simple and a small box for the mum and clones wont cost much to set up. This kind of growing will also ensure u a harvest all year round if done right. Take a certain amount of clones once a month and u will end up with a certain number of plants harvested every month, more clones in different maturity the more frequent your harvest. This is SOG style growing.:blsmoke:
Thanks for the advice:peace:. I am trying that as well as about 4 or 5 other ideas that people have given me:joint:. I really appreciate all of the interest:clap:. Maybe, between all of us, we can figure out the perfect way...even if it is a combination of a few..:peace:..that's why I am trying all that I can with what I have:weed:. I know that I keep saying this, but there WILL be pics of the garden coming TOMORROW...I Promise, ...We have plants from fully mature and flowering...to clones just begining to root...to clones that are flowering....to seedlings...and more. I can't wait to share, but as with yesterday, by the time I remembered that I wanted to take pics...it was time for them to go to bed:sleep:.

Thanks again and please keep all of the great ideas coming..:idea:..

Peace, Love and Tie Dye..


Well-Known Member
well if you need me to try one of the growing method in a week im kicking a new bucket into gear so i can attempt


Well-Known Member
Good luck there Mr. Bigglesworth, and I hope everything is going ok with both you and your plants.

Sens1 was somewhat correct by the way. When groing 12/12 from seed, there is a chance of some plants only yield a couple of grams. It's really dependant upon strain, lighting, and the grower. You can't afford to mess up at any stage because there is no time for the plant to recover.

That being said, there are some who grow this way and yield an oz or more per plant with as little as 200 watts worth of cfl's, so by no means are "sickly buds" the only outcome.

I hope that all the methods you use provide you with the smoke you need.

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
Good luck there Mr. Bigglesworth, and I hope everything is going ok with both you and your plants.

Sens1 was somewhat correct by the way. When groing 12/12 from seed, there is a chance of some plants only yield a couple of grams. It's really dependant upon strain, lighting, and the grower. You can't afford to mess up at any stage because there is no time for the plant to recover.

That being said, there are some who grow this way and yield an oz or more per plant with as little as 200 watts worth of cfl's, so by no means are "sickly buds" the only outcome.

I hope that all the methods you use provide you with the smoke you need.
Thanks Chuey,
That is all I ask for, a little positive re-enforcement. I have enlugh light in my grow room to give you a sun-burn when you are working on the plants in the grow room. I just have no place or lights to veg, so I had heard that people have tried and had decent luch with the 12/12 from the get go process.......so I wanted to try it. So far...99% have given me great advice or great help and kindness, figuring out how to get another little veg area set up...I really appreciate all of that and hope that the ideas, suggestions and comments keep coming...........YOU FOLKS ARE AWESOME !!!!!!:joint::joint::joint::joint:

Peace, Love and Tie Dye,

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
Here is the garden:weed:. Like I said...we have fully mature plants, that are just beginning to flower, we have seedlings, clones..you name it. Everyone's advice put together and this is what we have so far :):idea::leaf::joint::joint::joint::peace:



Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
Here is the garden:weed:. Like I said...we have fully mature plants, that are just beginning to flower, we have seedlings, clones..you name it. Everyone's advice put together and this is what we have so far :):idea::leaf::joint::joint::joint::peace:

I forgot to take a pic of the babies, they just sprouted:leaf: a couple of days ago. As usual,:wall: I just remembered, and everything is asleep :sleep:right now because the garden is on a 6am - 6pm time schedule. Hope you enjoy the pics of the garden so far:clap:. I would love your feedback and any advice that anyone might have:o. As you can see, I think that all of the advice y'all have given me so far has paid off:weed:.

Thanks Again:joint:,
Peace, Love and Tie Dye,:peace:
Mr. Bigglesworth

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
well if you need me to try one of the growing method in a week im kicking a new bucket into gear so i can attempt
Just pic the one that is the easiest and most cost effective for you. That is what I am trying to accomplish. Having no, or very little gap in harvest, with the easiest way for me to do it. I am lucky enough that I can try a few of the methods. Let me know what you do, and let all of us follow you so we can see your progress and help you along.



Well-Known Member
im going to be setting up a rubbermaid box... i think i can grow 4 plants in it, and ill be starting on may 1st... got 6 lights in the box covered with mylar, trying to figure out the medium and how to keep the temperature out... also the smell is hard to get rid of... we shall see

i got white widdow, bc mango, and LR2... also my buddy has almost every seed under the sun so if there is any preference i can try really anything withen reason

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
For the temp, I would use a couple of those personal fans..you know, the one's that take one AA battery...but that's just me, I'm cheap...no..I'm resourcefull :) . The smell is not an issue where I live, so I really don't know there. I hope someone else will help you out there. BTW..what do you think of my ladies :)


Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
im going to be setting up a rubbermaid box... i think i can grow 4 plants in it, and ill be starting on may 1st... got 6 lights in the box covered with mylar, trying to figure out the medium and how to keep the temperature out... also the smell is hard to get rid of... we shall see

i got white widdow, bc mango, and LR2... also my buddy has almost every seed under the sun so if there is any preference i can try really anything withen reason
Which methid are you going to use. Are you going to clone, do 12/12 straight from seed.....both, neither :) . Seriously, though, which are you going to do?



Well-Known Member
sure my set up is 2 rubbermaids with cfls on the inside, and very simple looking because unlike you i can have harvests now and then because there is a lot of cheap weed around here... mainly do it as a hobby and for some more quality strains

because im not starting to grow for another 2 and a half weeks my grow box is in storage but ill be sure to post the link to my grow journal where i show everything i do


Active Member
heylo, its me again. well my 12/12 str8 from seed baby is looking awesome. pic in a little over an hour once light comes on. :peace::peace: