12/12 interrupted


Active Member
Plants are on day 54 of flowering. Should only have 6 days left of 12/12, so almost done.

They are in their dark period from 10 am to 10 pm. At 6 pm I went upstairs to find my lights ON. I turned them off but have no idea how long they were on for (couldn't be more than 2 hours):shock:. Needless to say I was pissed and broke my timer into a million pieces. I immediately turned the lights back off and now am unsure whether to go back to my 10am-10pm darkness or do I now go from 6pm-6am darkness?


Well-Known Member
2 hours will not hurt your plants, no need to break your timer lol
just put them back on the schedule they were already on


Active Member
Haha I might have been a little extreme with my handling of the timer. I'll keep them on the same schedule, thanks for the reply.