12/12 From Seed - Worth It?

Does 12/12 from seed really work?

  • Absolutely

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Hell no

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • Never tried

    Votes: 27 41.5%
  • What are you thinking?!

    Votes: 4 6.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
in my experience, just keeps the plants small...i really dont think they "mature" any quicker...all my 12/12 from seeds matured in 30+ days...and i have no choice but to keep them small as I require stealth and i grow in a PC case and a small closet cabinet...and as cerebral has stated, this is for my own head and i dont need pounds of dank. to each his own, if that guy wants to grow fields of stuff, then more power to him, but don't dis on those of us who do otherwise, thats just childish.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I tried 12/12 from seed. I wasn't impressed with the yield.
In order to really pull of a successful 12/12 from seed you need a lot of plants. And in that case you should just do a SOG.

A lot of people here swear by it. But in my experience I wont do it again. I mean it you cant get the yield Like a normal grow.

Here was mine.

See what I mean.

Pretty shitty harvest.

Vegg those bitches out and have a Good Harvest.
Good luck.


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
And to show you I really Tried it

This was my second attempt.

This is some pics of 12/12 from seed clones.



Well-Known Member
hey Joe...I appreciate your insight here. But I do, respectfully, disagree as I think a "successful" grow is a rather subjective term. Yes I agree that more vegging obviously will yield more results, but also a larger plant. For those who have the space and the ability to grow big can use this method. If I lived alone I would use this method too. But I don't and I must be super stealthy about my grows. They must be hidden in plain site as I don't have spare rooms, a garage, or any other place where I can stash 4 to 6 foot trees.

So what does one do when they have extremely limited space, cant find a decent, reliable source and really do not want to buy off the street? We grow stealthy, small plants that fit in the cabs we make, and we define a successful grow in much different terms. For me, a successful grow is any plant that I get to harvest, whether it be 3 grams or an 28.

Now there are some on here I'm sure who would say why waste my time or why even bother, it's not worth the risk, etc. My goal is to one day soon be free of buying off of dealers, and I believe I'll get there through a combination of cutting back on my daily amount and getting a rotation going in my grow boxes. I hope to one day be supplying myself or I'll go without.

just wanted to get that off my chest...peace:leaf:

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
@ Articvapors.

I know what you mean by stealthy and space. But that doesnt mean 12/12 from seed is the best way to approach that. My examples I left for the OP was my opionion that 12/12 from seed grows suck, for the time and effort you put in and your basic return on investment.

Just beacause you grow 12/12 from seed doesnt mean your plants will be small..Height wise.

Have you ever grown 12/12 from seed?

They can still grow to be 4-5 foot trees. so Wheres your logic behing that.

If space is where you need to pay attention to, then LST is the best approach for that.
Example thanks to OLD COOT:

And here is an example of how tall a 12/12 from seed can actaully grow. Thanks to RandyRocket.

I hear what your saying man Artic but your complaint or rant has nothing to do with 12/12 from seed grow.



Nice thread i like the discussion----

I was wondering if anybody has experience with 12/12 from seed as well as growing autoflowers. And if so, what is the difference between the end product?

I mean from pics i've seen both ways seem to put out a very similar end product in about the same amount of time.


Well-Known Member
no joe...I was not ranting, just explaining why I approach it this way. i did put in my comment that I've done four 12/12 grows, so yes, I have done 12/12 before. peace bro...

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Nice thread i like the discussion----

I was wondering if anybody has experience with 12/12 from seed as well as growing autoflowers. And if so, what is the difference between the end product?

I mean from pics i've seen both ways seem to put out a very similar end product in about the same amount of time.
Oops I posted before I understood the question.

Dude thats a good question but I think the autoflower will yield more still. cause it has all the vegg time and it flowers no matter what, because its ready. Plus it can flower under 18hrs of light so seems to me it would be pretty good.



started a 12/12 vs autoflower thread in indoor growing- if anyone has anything to say on the topic-- didn't want to interupt this thread too much with the issue.


Active Member
I tried 12/12 from seed. I wasn't impressed with the yield.
In order to really pull of a successful 12/12 from seed you need a lot of plants. And in that case you should just do a SOG.
JC, I have to say I'm 100% with arcticvapors on this one! Its clear to me that there are two main types of grower, those who grow for the maximum amount of yield they can get and those who approach it from the opposite direction of "How much weed do I want/need per month" As I keep on saying I only want 14 to 21g per month MAX, I dont smoke anymore than that and it never leaves my house, I dont sell to anybody at all! I've been smoking weed moderately for over 30 years now and for the last 12 of those years I have not had to buy it. So for me 12/12 from germination DOES work :-)

I can see what you are saying about your plants and at least you post having given 12/12 a couple of tries and I can respect that. But with a bit of LST and good genetics these are my 12/12 from seed plants at day 56 looking to a 70 to 77 days finish....they will get plenty bigger yet! :-) I can confidently say that I will pull 3 months supply from this small grow JC and that represents everything I need.... I'm a happy man.


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
You know Cerebralvibrator You're right quoting my comment.

You two are both making a point cause I used the word

So yes, any grow can be successful which I don't mean you have to try to grow pounds.

Hell a 2 gram plant is successful in the fact you will have some amount of smokable marijuana.

But either way, Good luck guys
and Cerebral Your plants look great.



Active Member
You know Cerebralvibrator You're right quoting my comment.

You two are both making a point cause I used the word

So yes, any grow can be successful which I don't mean you have to try to grow pounds.

Hell a 2 gram plant is successful in the fact you will have some amount of smokable marijuana.

But either way, Good luck guys
and Cerebral Your plants look great.

Cheers JC you're a gentleman :-) Nice debating with you.

I have been following a PC case grow ("client/server model "thread) and the guy was over the moon to get a dry 1/8th from his first try! Our needs are all different.

Time for a spliff for me now:-)



Well-Known Member
hi guys, nice buds there cereb, done some 12-12 with mixed results, thc bomb from marijuana nl are good , had 1 that hit 5 oz wet bud, quality was good, used lst to pack it out more, going back to 12-12 again, just seems easier


Well-Known Member
I'm about 2 1/2 weeks into a 12/12 grow to see what the results are first hand. I'm growing an unknown strain from bag seed. It's just for personal use. I'm on the scientific standpoint on this debate. I am just excited to see that marijuana can be such a versatile grown plant. I have nothing bad to say about 12/12 from seed thus far...
Live long learning grower here...


Well-Known Member
best way if you're looking to cut time is 2 - 3 weeks of veg to let the plants get established then to 12 / 12