12/12 from seed Party Cup Comp - Mystery Meat Grow

I don’t believe it’s female. But it still hasn’t shown sacs yet either so it’s just chilling.
I have one plant that is doing the same thing and has yet to show sex. I thought it was delayed because of me topping it but my other plant is clearly female. Sometimes the late bloomers will surprise you so keep your fingers crossed for that diamond in the rough.
I have one plant that is doing the same thing and has yet to show sex. I thought it was delayed because of me topping it but my other plant is clearly female. Sometimes the late bloomers will surprise you so keep your fingers crossed for that diamond in the rough.
I've noticed that over the yrs with my outdoor. Majority of the time those late finishers are the kill of the crop. A lot of breeders choose their males that way or at least it helps aid in the decision, late but fast to finish.
I culled two males and have the remaining one in the living room. The plant that hadn’t shown yet threw out some tiny white hairs, so I think it should be good to go. I haven’t paid much attention to it and was just hanging out in the corner neglected because I thought it was a male. Maybe now she will take off.
I'm down to 2 plants 2 were studs one has yet to show sex and one is a little lady..HelL Yeahh, I'm still in the game..
My late bloomer is looking to be male, Best looking one too. But, the other is starting to come along now that she as discoverd her identity.

Edit - What on my veg shelf should I mix with this late blooming male?