12/12 from seed Party Cup Comp - Mystery Meat Grow

Is there anyone that would like to make donations for the winners?
Let me know so I can add it to the list. Gonna try to get it posted as soon as @Dyna-Gro gets in contact with me.
I’d donate some Lemon Cookies but am unsure of the genetics/stability and don’t want them ruining someone’s grow. I can go through my recent purchases and see what I have. Otherwise I’m waiting on another Rado delivery in the next cpl weeks and I’m guessing there will be more Apple Juice x Pacifier freebies. I can donate some beans.
I’d donate some Lemon Cookies but am unsure of the genetics/stability and don’t want them ruining someone’s grow. I can go through my recent purchases and see what I have. Otherwise I’m waiting on another Rado delivery in the next cpl weeks and I’m guessing there will be more Apple Juice x Pacifier freebies. I can donate some beans.

I'd chance those lemon cookies If I won.
Looks like everyone posted this week except @Opie1971, who posted, but forgot to have the word of the week in his picture. And then there's CoB_nUt who posted twice. xD

(No word of the week) Opie1971 https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-43#post-14746861
CoB_nUt https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-40#post-14739279
CoB_nUt https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-44#post-14749656
Bodean https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-43#post-14748352
DesertPlants https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-42#post-14744582
C-theGrower https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-43#post-14746806
Mr_C https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-44#post-14750596
J.James https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-41#post-14742491
ChronicWonders. https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-44#post-14750370
ic1550c https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-42#post-14744524
Greenthumbs256 https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-42#post-14744527
needsomebeans https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-42#post-14744444
boybelue https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-43#post-14747193
bluebeans https://www.rollitup.org/t/12-12-fr...ystery-meat-grow.982425/page-43#post-14746093

Yea my bad, I'm in Dawg's comp too. Didn't want to fk myself by not keeping up or adhereing to the rules. Wasn't sure if I posted and was too lazy to go back and check.
well only one of mine looks horrible idk what's up, I'm not good with nutrients lol, my Luck that will be my only lady! also my phone was super low on battery, so I didn't want get online while trying to get my battery to 15 to take a pic at lights out, so I did remember sasquach tho, so did that with the date lol!

CM190218-190725008.jpg CM190218-190717007.jpg
Nice J.J. Has any sexed yet? I just culled 2 dudes.
No, I think they are recovering from topping and it might have delayed them exposing sex. As soon as they do I will remove the bottom branches and only leave the top 2 nodes.

Edit - AACT I have been feeding once a week

2.5 Gal RO Water
2 Tbl Molasses
1 Tbl Thrive.N
1 Tea Elemental by Roots Organics
1 Tbl Terp Tea - Veg by Roots Organics
1 Tbl Insect Frass
1 Tbl Buildasoil Craft Blend

Brew for 24 - 32 hours, Strain and Feed
Do not adjust PH
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I know a few of you guys, are also doing like me, clear solo cup holding dirt, and then another to block light!

so I'm taking to anyone that can see their roots, are you guys seeing some amazing and crazy amount of roots? maybe I've been growing clones too long, but wow they are impressive! the entire dam cup is nothing but roots! I can't say I've ever seen that before and I'm tempted to take clone now!
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